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*************Author's Note***********

Hello everyone! I want to thank you in advance for checking out my story!

I know it's a work in progress and I plan to update regularly.

Let me know what you think in the comments about anything at all.

Last of all, it would mean a lot if you guys voted. It really helps motivate me to continue writing.

Happy reading!

P.S. I'm currently rewriting chapters in third person omniscient so I'm sorry for the inconsistency. I just really want to put my best effort in each chapter.


He leaps down from his perch on the tower into the top floor. He sweeps his blazing red eyes across the room. He is in the library and still he found no resistance.
It had been easier than he'd thought it would be and scowls. He had expected guards, at least, to bring some excitement. Full of himself, he waltzes out of the library.
The corridor he meets is plain save for a few paintings of Gildor, the City of Stars. The city sparkles and seems to almost glow as if it was a star itself.  A cold shiver runs down his spine and he backs away hastily. He hates this place.
As if driven by the painting, he picks up his pace. The sooner he found it, the sooner he could leave this wretched place.
He takes a sharp turn and finds himself exactly where he wants to be. A devilish grin spreads across his face. In front of him stands a massive set of oak doors; the Tomb.
He strides up to it, while whipping out a blade with a red jewel in its hilt, and presses the Rama blade against the wood. Just like He had told him it would, the doors fling open. He steps inside and scans the room, his eyes searching hungrily for it. The room is filled with scores of objects ranging from years old artifacts to gleaming weapons. None of that mattered as his eyes settled on it. It stood on a pillar encased in glass along the back wall. Every so often the light would glint off it as it revolved slowly.
He nearly lunges at it in his haste to hold it.
Gently, he eases the case off and stares at it while he thinks with glee:

Master will be very proud.

She walks with quick strides, rounding the corners sharply, and weaving herself through the maze of corridors.
She bites her lip worriedly; a habit she had acquired not too long ago. The past couple months have been particularly stressful since He had the Summoner stolen.
She was so deep in her thoughts that she almost walked headlong into Leo waiting patiently in front of the Tomb.
It was well after midnight and her steps seemed to thunder much too loudly against the polished marble floor as she approached him.
"Your Majesty," he says softly and bows slightly causing his long white blonde locks to swing forward, "You called."
She straightens her back trying in vain to seem fearless, " It is time. He has it. Find her....before he does."
Without another word, Leo turns on his heel and vanishes out of sight.

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