Chapter 3

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Shit. Shit. Shit.

Of all the days I could be running late, it just had to be the day of Steve Harringtons wedding.

I banged my hands against the wheel of my van in frustration. I guess I partied a little too hard at the bachelor party last night. Thankfully, I didn't wake up hungover.

I pulled into the car park at the church, checking my appearance in my rear view mirror before hopping out of my van.

Honestly I'm surprised this hunk of junk still worked, I could easily sell her off and get a new car but I had so many memories in this van and I just couldn't bare to let her go.

As I made my way to the front doors of the church I heard a small whimper from behind me. I looked over my shoulder to see a woman in distress as a man held her wrist tightly.

It looked as though he was angry, saying something to her through gritted teeth. I let out a sigh, fighting with my own conscience before heading inside the church.

Don't be a hero Eddie.

I made my way to the top of the alter where Steve was waiting anxiously, "sorry I'm late Harrington" I smiled as I patted him on the shoulder before standing next to him.

"It's okay Munson. I'm just glad you're here" he grinned, visibly relaxing when he saw Robin making her way towards us.

"We're good to go" she smiled, squeezing Steve's arm reassuringly before heading back to the foyer.

Steve let out a shaky breath as he turned to face me, "got the rings Munson?".

"Oh shit, I knew I forgot something" I smiled cheekily watching Steve's eyes go wide as I grabbed the rings from my jacket pocket, "just messing with you Harrington".

Steve flipped me off and scowled at me before releasing a low chuckle as the music started. I watched as Robin made her way up the aisle. It was kind of weird seeing her in a long pink dress but honestly, it kind of suited her.

I knew she was hating every second of it though, further proving my point when she glared at me, causing me to chuckle at her as she flipped me off.

Yeah. She was hating this.

I looked up expecting to see Nancys other bridesmaid, Heather, walk down the aisle next. So imagine my surprise when I saw a familiar face staring back at me. I didn't even realise that I audibly gasped until I saw Steve wink at me from the corner of my eye.

It had been 4 years since I had last seen her. 4 years that I had spent calling and writing to her, only to be met with a wall of silence and yet here she was, looking even more gorgeous then I remember.

What was she doing here? How has she been? Has she missed me as much as I've missed her?

The questions were running through my head at a millions miles per hour as I kept my gaze on her.

I noticed a guy staring at her from the seats, but he didn't look happy. His eyebrows were furrowed and his mouth formed a tight line as he glared at her and I could feel anger boiling up inside of me.

How dare he look at her like that.

I hadn't even realised that Nancy had started walking down the aisle until I saw Steve wipe a tear away.

I must admit, she did look stunning as she made her way towards us, fighting back the tears as she plastered a smile on her face but to me, there was only one woman in this room that stood out the most.

I found my eyes raking up and down her body. The dress she was wearing hugged her body perfectly, showing of those incredibly long, tanned legs. I noticed, what looked to be, a dragon tattoo on the side of her thigh and I couldn't help but smile to myself.

Always such a nerd.

As my eyes traveled further up her body, I found myself staring at her chest, or more importantly, the small dagger that resided between them.

Is it hot in here?

No? Just me then?

When I finally looked up at her face, I noticed that she had been checking me out too and I couldn't help the blush that formed on my face.

Even after all this time apart, I could feel my heart beating like crazy when our eyes met. She was, and always has been, absolutely breathtaking.

I mouthed a small 'hi' to her, showing off my cheeky grin when I saw blush appear on her cheeks. I felt like I was on cloud nine when I saw her mouth 'hi' back to me.

Maybe there wasn't any bad blood between us after all. I had spent the last 4 years wondering if I had done something wrong, wondering if I was the reason she moved away.

My mind wandered to Juliet, wondering how my sweet little blue was doing.

I didn't even notice that the ceremony had ended. My eyes were fixed on Kali, scared that if I looked away for even a second, that she'd be gone.

I wonder how long she'll be in Hawkins for?

After Steve and Nancy had exited the church, I started to move towards Kali but was interrupted by the guy I saw glaring at her earlier. I took a step back and decided to wait outside instead, but just as I reached the front doors, I heard Kali cry out.

I spun around to see Kali clutching her hand to her cheek, tears falling freely from her eyes as she stared at the man in front of her.

I couldn't help but feel my anger rising to the top when I saw the shock and hurt written all over her face.

We were the only three people left in the church, so I could hear every word that was being said between the pair.

"I told you not to leave me on my own" the guy seethed, his grip on Kali's wrist tightening and I swear I saw red.

"Hey!" I shouted as I made my way towards the pair, "get your fucking hands off of her" I hissed as I pushed the guy back, placing myself between him and Kali.

"Ed's it's okay, just leave it" Kali whispered as she placed her hand on my shoulder. There it was. The nickname that only ever sounded right coming from her mouth.

If I wasn't so angry, I would've swooned.

"Who the fuck do you think you are? Putting yourself in front of my fiancée".


I barely had time to registered that Kali was engaged to this asshole, before a fist made contact with my jaw, causing me to stumble backwards.

"Michael!" Kali screeched as she rushed over to me, she held my jaw softly as she checked it for any signs of bleeding, "are you okay Ed's?" She whispered as her eyes met mine.

"Nothing I can't handle, sweetheart" I smiled, running the back of my hand along her cheek. I saw the slightest blush appear across her cheeks, her eyes fluttering closed and a sigh escaping her lips when she felt my touch.

"Kali, I-" I started but before I could finish my sentence, Michael grabbed hold of Kali's wrist and pulled her into his chest.

"Stay the fuck away from my fiancée, freak" he spat before dragging her out of the church. I wanted to follow after them but the look Kali sent me from over her shoulder, told me to stay put.

I really hope she knew what she was doing.

I sighed and ran my fingers over my jaw, letting out a small chuckle as I made my way out of the church.

4 years later and she still had the same hold over me.

Sweetheart (revised) - An Eddie Munson storyWhere stories live. Discover now