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Liberty City... the most famous place in the whole world. It's so famous that it is known by many names... the City of Liberty, which is quite on the nose, the City that never sleeps, the Capital City of the world.

It's not really in the center of the world, but the spirit of the city does give you that special vibe that the entire planet revolves around it.

There's even a saying: 'If you can make it here, you can make it anywhere'. All this makes it pretty clear what impact this city has on everything, especially on people. And from all those people, there is one familiar face in particular that needed to get back.

The question of 'why?' may arise, but the answer is simple... unfinished business, or in other words, that familiar face made it here, in this city, but not quite all the way. Since there are some stones left unturned, the city will tremble quite a bit.

It was all the way back in 2008 when an Eastern European immigrant made a lot of noise around the city and now, exactly a decade later, the familiar face of Niko Bellic blends through the big crowds at Francis International airport.

If someone who knew Niko would've seen him, they would've gotten some chills running down their spines. Knowing what Niko was capable of doing, seeing him with a very determined, grim expression on his face, it was a dead giveaway that things were not at all going down in a peaceful way.

Niko gets out of the airport, just like the rest of the passengers, but he quickly makes himself unseen. As he walked as far as he could from all the crowded spots, he spotted a cab all of a sudden.

He makes a subtle wave and, luckily, the cab driver sees it, he pulls over as Niko throws his bag on to the back seat and closes the door after him.

Cab Driver: Where to?

Niko Bellic: Take the Broker-Dukes Expressway up to Tutelo Avenue.

Niko's destination was one dear to his heart... sort of. It was the Homebrew Café, an underground looking place from the Jamaican part of town.

As he walked in, Niko took a quick look around the place and then scanned the room better as he took some slow steps towards the most isolated table.

He sat down with his back turned towards everybody else and just stood there. A young lady came to the table to ask him what he'll serve and Niko told her...

Niko Bellic: Sparkling cranberry, please!

Young lady: Right away!

The drink came right away and Niko spent a lot of time at the cafe, enjoying his drinks sip after sip and ordering one after another.

It wasn't an alcoholic drink, so there was no scandal involved, but just spending time in that place, sitting all alone and quiet and just drinking some cranberry juice combination, people did start to look weird towards him.

Nothing was actually bad, but whatever was going on... or maybe not going on, it was weird for everyone around. Since it wasn't the usual scenery, that kept some of the people on edge a little.

Trouble seemed to be nonexistent, that was until closing time came around. As everyone left the Homebrew Cafe one after the other, the young lady told Niko that they were closing, but he insisted on ordering another drink.

The bartender looked angry when he heard that, but since Niko was giving him some bad vibes, he chose to at least give him another drink until they get the place ready for closing.

As the place was about to close, Niko ordered another drink. The bartender tried to talk to him and to explain the situation but to no end. Niko would not leave the cafe so he insisted peacefully at first before getting a little edgy.

Badman: That's it! Call Badman! Let him deal with all dem bumbaclaat Russians.

Not long after, with the entire cafe waiting on Niko to just get the hell out, the man they called on comes through the door.

Badman: Now, tell me, what dis I hear bout bumbaclaat Russians drinking all the cranberry juice?

Badman: Hey me bredda, do we have some trouble?

Niko Bellic: Now is that the Real Badman around these parts?

Right after he asked his question, Niko turned around to see the reaction of Badman.

Badman: *Gasp*... The Lion!

Badman: Hailie The King, take me now! The man himself, Niko Bellic!

Badman: Wha gwan Niko?

Niko Bellic: Well... I'd like to say that I missed you but it's not that.

Niko Bellic: I'm sorry if I made a little fuss around here, but I needed to get your attention... yours and Jacob's.

Badman: Sure thing me bredda! Let's take a seat, me gon' call pon him, and we can enjoy a proper drink.

Niko Bellic: Great and thanks but I'll stick to my cranberry.

Even if Badman took Niko's side and pissed the people at the cafe a little, things were looking good for Niko's place, they were happening as he needed.

Not too long after everyone besides Niko and Badman left the cafe the door opens.

Little Jacob: Hail Badman! Where's me bredda?

Little Jacob: Hey, glad to see you Niko! Me and Badman though you gone. What brings you back?

Niko Bellic: There are some things that I need to put an end to... and only recently some things came to my ear. I need your help, Jacob.

Little Jacob: Say no more bredda! Let's sit, have a drink, and spill it whole!

Niko Bellic: There's much to be said... but I guess I can sum it all up with just one name...

Niko Bellic:... Bulgarin!

COUSIN BELLIC: A Grand Theft Auto StoryWhere stories live. Discover now