All in the family

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Year of Our Lord,


It was a pleasurable day in Firenze, a rarity of days where no gossip is spoken, no threatening news from another rival city, no death so tragic but of an old age, and no threat from heaven nor from earth given by nature itself. The crops were plenty, the florins were abundant whether rich or poor. The days were much Benedetti (Blessed).

Close to the Santa Maria Novella cathedral, the Palazzo Ardinghelli opens its doors to welcome back the patriarch of the household, the intricated chariot with the family coat-of-arms made from the finest wood from the east continent, gifted by a fellow banker who stayed at the palazzo for business.

As the door closes, descends Messere Folco Ardinghelli, banker from generations, tracing back his ancestry farther to the early settlers of the Etruscans who once fought against the Romans, yet the glory never gained them, and submit themselves to the Roman Supremacy. As Folco honors grandly his past, the trace of the Ardinghelli takes back to the Tarquinia name, an ancient Roman family of Etruscan origins. The day for Folco, as mentioned, was effortless, a good day at the bank, the money well reserved, borrowers gave their loans with no complaints, through it all, the bank went well. Once the day is done, Messere Ardinghelli goes to Messere Lorenzo de' Medici's palazzo for any information about the bank before arriving home. He was greeted by his wife Giustiniana, his son Tristano, and his daughter Dianora.

"My joys are always in this exact time, just to see my beloved family here. I could not be happier."


After dinner, Folco and Giustiniana went to the courtyard on their way to his office for tomorrow's workplan. In the matters of their discussion wasn't on the banking, but on their only daughter.

"I must say, Folco, it seems to be impossible to find a match for our daughter. I mean, Elio Ruspoli was our best match, yet the sudden change of heart from his father took me by surprise."

"Who can, my dearest, be better for her? Her wits scare them away." Folco smirked. Dianora has that spirit from his side.

"I blame you for that. So much to find, yet my best is not yours for your consent."

"Which is?"

"A proper gentleman in another city..."

"Indeed, Giustiniana, not my consent and not to speak of this." Folco responded rapidly, these were trying times to gain an alliance from other citizens, even if it means to marry Dianora to the Doge of Venice himself, he will not accept. "If Dianora is to be wed, must be a young man no farther than Fiesole, which is one stone away from here."

"Even from Pisa, I'm sure is not in your mind. Elio was quite a gentleman in our last feast, courteous and I saw he was charmed by Dianora. My bet goes that the wench of Felice Ghenzi wanted to wed her daughter to him. The poor girl looks like she can in any moment die even if a gust of wind touches her, one less child for her to care for, not even a nunnery can take care of poor Caterina."

"In comparison, her late husband had more wealth than me." Folco opens the door to his office, Folco sits down while Giustiniana leans on his desk. "I see why Messere Ruspoli chose the Ghenzi girl."

"Still not fair, Folco, Dianora is in better health than her."

"I understand, cara (Dear), Dianora has her own mind and yes, I shall take the blame gladly, for she is my treasured daughter. I can even give her my consent if she ever picks a gentleman."

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