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Mal_Young: who took my picks

ang.loves.chocolate: cliff

absolutely.not.cliff: angus

ang.loves.chocolate: no cliff

absolutely.not.cliff: no it was angus

Mal_Young: i yall wont tell me who it was i swear im gonna kick the one who stole its ass

ang.loves.chocolate: sorry it was me

Mal_Young: why

ang.loves.chocolate: lost mine

Mal_Young: gimme some of em back

ang.loves.chocolate: okay mally 

Mal_Young: STOP

Brimi_Brumm_Brumm: hi gays

Brimi_Brumm_Brumm: guys*

ang.loves.chocoate: SHXCSGXTFHDGEWNZ

Bonnie.123: what language is ang speaking

Mal_Young: asking myself the same question

phil.the.drummer: guys i fucked up

drummer: guys i fucked up

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absolutely.not.cliff: bestie you are so stupid

Brimi_Brumm_Brumm: phil i hate you

phil.the.drummer: :c

phil.the.drummer: i just wanted  cake

Bonnie.123: phil pls every toddler knows that u dont cut cake like that are you a complete dumbfuck or what

ang.loves.chocolate: DXBFHXGUNCRZG

Mal_Young: angus what the hell are you on

ang.loves.chocolate: sorry

phil.the.drummer: what do i do with the cake now

absolutely.not.cliff: make cake pops

phil.the.drummer: ok thx cliffy

ang.loves.chocolate: JSXSGXTERHIZUNZX HELP

Mal_Young: ANGUS

Bonnie.123: phil can i help you with the cake pops

phil.the.drummer: sure bon

ang.loves.chocolate: romantic


ang.loves.chocolate: :c

Bonnie.123: alright phil lets go 

phil.the.drummer: okeyyy

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