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4 | Final girl

I had two options.

Tell the police that I had been attacked, and got away without so much as a bruise. I did have a lovely little letter now engraved into my skin, but other than that, nothing. I could tell them that, but wouldn't that look suspicious? Or would it not? Fuck, I'm overthinking this too much.

Or, I could not tell them, and just act like it never happened. Because I'm really not looking for anything that would make me seem as though I was the killer, trying to attack myself so it would look like it wasn't me.

But they didn't have any actual evidence to lock me away, so even if they did suspect me, it wasn't like I'd go to jail. Not to mention, I didn't even wake up on the floor where I had passed out, I woke up on my bed. Which means the killer picked me up and brought me upstairs to my room.

That seems like too much compassion for a killer, doesn't it?

Despite being scared to tell anyone, I felt like I needed too. Maybe two person, at least. The two people who I knew who wouldn't immediately think I was lying.

"Damn, Lettie," was all Chad said as he sat down on the foe leather armchair in the hospital room. "I mean, I get it. You do have that charm."

"Chad." I glared at him, sitting at the edge of Tara's bed. He sighed and raised his hands up in defense, apologizing.

"Let me access Mindys brain real quick." He closed his eyes and placed two fingers on either side of his temple. "Ah, got it." He nodded and opened his eyes, placing his hands back down. "You, my little bowl of Honey Nut Cheerios, are probably the final girl."

I completely disregarded him telling me I was most likely a "final girl", and gave him a weird look. "What the hell did you just call me?"

He shrugged. "Seemed fitting."

Tara snorted, throwing her head back with a laugh. "You're still high?" She nodded at me, a huge grin on her lips.

"Yeah, I was like 'oh, no. My wounds, they hurt so bad.' Then I shed some tears. But anyways, I don't think you should bother with the cops. There's no evidence and there's nothing they could really do expect give you guard cops, and if they did, you could just stay with me."

"I guess you're right." I brought my legs up on the bed and crossed them. I went to tell them the other thing, but I held back. How would they react? I wanted to act like it didn't happen, like ghostface didn't basically fucking brand me.

I don't know what A meant, but I didn't like it, and I'd rather just act like it wasn't there. I placed my hands into my lap. "Have you talked to Sam?"

"No. But I probably should," Tara sighed.

"That Richie guy still with her?" Tara nodded at Chads question. "You know, something about that guy is off. I'd bet my soul he's ghostface."

"Honestly, I agree. He's really creepy. I mean, I'm glad for Sam, and hopefully he isn't, but he gives off that insane vibe." I nodded, agreeing with Chad completely. "But either it's not him, or there's two, because the person who attacked me was, like five-eight."

I thought it over, imagining last night, which sent chills down my spine just remembering. "And their hands were slim, like they were a girls. So, you know, there's that."

"Maybe you should go to the cops." Chad said. "I'll call Judy."

Sheriff Hicks scribbled away at her little notepad, her blue eyes going from left to right faster than I ran from ghostface. I think I should learn taekwondo.

"Thank you, Scarlett. This information is very useful. We'll try to track your phone to see where the call came from, but other than that, there's nothing we can really do, unless you think it would be smart to have a guard cop?"

"No, thanks." I decline politely. I know what happens to guard cops, and I don't want to be putting someone else's life at risk. She just nodded and left the room, giving one last look to me before she slipped out.

"Oh, my god. She thinks I'm lying." My heart started to speed up.

"No, she doesn't." Tara grabbed my hand, squeezing it gently as the door opened. Amber walked in, pausing only for a moment before she smiled and closed the door.

"Hey, guys."

"Hey." The three of us replied. Ambers eyes flickered down to Tara's hand on mine, and while she kept her smile, her eyes seemed to almost darken as she sat next to Chad.

"What was Judy doing here? Is everything okay? No one got attacked, right?" Chad looked over at me, and so did Tara, and I shrugged. The cops already knew, so who cares if I told more people than I had originally planned.

"I was." Her head turns to me.

"What, are you alright?" She had a look of concern, but there was something under it.

"Yeah, I'm fine. They didn't rough me up too bad." I chuckle, though nothing was funny.

"Really?" She asked.

"Well, compared to you know, what they did to Tara and what happened to—" I thought about Cole— "the others," others meaning more than one because I had been informed before I came here someone else had died, someone who I hadn't known, "yes."

"Well, I'm glad you're okay." She sent me a soft smile, to which I returned. "They must like you. I mean, no bruises or anything?" She almost sound— disappointed, but my mind was too fogged to even realize it.

"Nope. I don't bruise easily." I responded.


Not even a bruise? I knew she was lying, because I had left a mark. Which probably wasn't the smartest, but I had to do it. I felt the need too. She didn't seem like she told anyone else, and she wasn't acting weird around me, so she didn't suspect me.

I basically threw her around like a rag-doll, and she didn't have any other mark?

My gaze once again found its way to Scarlett and Tara's hands intertwined and bit down on my tongue. It wouldn't do to get angry right now, so I kept quiet and leaned back against the chair.


On the drive back to my house, my phone vibrated on my lap. I picked it up and was surprised to see a text message from Sam.

I didn't recall giving her my number, so I was sure she probably asked one of the others for it. I swiped open my phone and looked at the text message.

Can you meet at Chad and Mindys house? There's something important I have to tell you all. If Ambers with you, let her know.

I looked up at Amber as I turned off my phone. "Sam wants us to meet over at Chad and Mindys house. She says she has something important to tell us."

"Okay," Amber looked over at me briefly before turning down the street, driving towards the twins' house. "I wonder what she could tell us."

"Do you think it has something to do with that's been going on? I feel like it does, because otherwise I doubt she'd bother with making a whole meeting for it." I looked out the window, watching as the houses pass by.

"Probably. You know about all the ghostface attacks, don't you?" Amber looked over her shoulder at me. I turned my gaze away from the window and towards her. "Didn't you do a project on it in ninth grade?"

"Yeah, I did. It was for a research thing. I got an A plus on it," I could still feel my pride in that A when everyone else I knew has got a C plus at best. "But I'm not like an expert on them. I know the basic facts, and a little theory here and there."

She nodded. "I wonder if Sidneys gonna come back. It seems she always does when this sort of thing happens."

"Honestly, she probably will, which isn't smart. I mean, she's got kids and a husband, even if she has made it this far, I personally wouldn't even take any risks."

As we pulled into the twins' house, I saw an unfamiliar car and wondered who it could be.

Mindfuck | Amber FreemanWhere stories live. Discover now