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I've always felt like i had an idea of what to say or what to do. At least that was until i met you. You see one swipe right can turn your whole world upside down. Now i know we have stopped talking and i know that we didn't tell each other everything. Like i never told you i have abandonment issues because of the past that have been kinda holding me back. Just hoping while the rest of my life lasts I never get hurt ever again. 

Now for some reason i feel like Sensai Lawrence as i've been depressed because of pure bullshit. You see life likes throwing me all these challenges at once and i can get pretty overwhelmed. I've felt like i was about to quit so many times. I saw your message and i freaked thinking i was getting dropped already. 

I've been scared to say anything to you because of this whole situation. Scared to fuck it up even more or scared to go to HR. Sometimes i have to realise that while fear is the only thing keeping us alive sometimes. Is it really keeping us Alive? If we are afraid of 5 minutes from now that's not living.

Like Johnny i fuck up but i always forgive myself in the end. I strive to do better every day not for anyone else but me and the people i genuinely care for. Life just well as Cobra Kai is about growth. So in case this is the last thing i get to say to you. Have a good life but if it's not until next time.

Sincerely R.H 

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 26, 2023 ⏰

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