Chapter Seven

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We woke up to a beautiful dawn. Dawn, because, although it was day, and everything happened as should, and people moved about their businesses in normal manner, everywhere remained dark. I wondered why the sun refused to come up since I woke up. I had heard of eclipse of the sun and moon, and had experienced it the day I should have done my ninth birthday but didn't because it was preannounced, and people were told to stay indoors, and not let their children outside, or even let them stare up at the sky when it was happening. So, my mother didn't let me or anyone else out, and my friends didn't visit as their parents too hadn't allowed them. But this isn't it. The sun just didn't rise, so the day didn't turn up bright. It all seemed normal, and everyone saw it that way. We all continued as though nothing was wrong, as though our clothes would dry perfectly well and on time if we washed them in this dawn, as though grasses no longer needed light for photosynthesis. On a look, I saw Mallam Balla sitting by my side. His presence strengthened me, and boosted my morale. But then, at the same time, I saw him standing in space, or I should say he was flying because that's how it seemed. On another look, he was there standing like I've never seen him stand, and he looked handsome and healthy. Still staring at him, it seemed the previous look had changed into something eclectic. I couldn't lay hold on why things seemed actually unnatural. Everything seemed so exciting yet so frightening, and saddening at the same time. I wasn't crying, didn't cry, but I felt the mark of tears on my face, and I began to wonder how come everything was strange.

"You have a heart." Mallam Balla said to me.

"Yes. I know. I have a heart that pumps blood through my veins." I replied.

"No. Not that kind of heart. You have a very big heart."

"Ehn? Is it bigger than that someone of my age should carry?"




"Waa yo Allah! Habba mana. Then that is obesity. Mallam, that means I'm dying. Am I dying pretty sooner for it than expected?"

"No. You will not. Rather, I should die, and a few others that you love too. Although it is so, never get concerned that after all your efforts, and after all you've been through; all that you went through together with them, they later died."

"Don't talk like that. If you do, it means you are mean and evil. If anybody, even if its nature that treats man in that manner, then it is mean and evil."

"No, it is not nature but"

"Enough! I don't want to hear it. I should be the one to die, not you or anyone else, because I am the one with an obese heart. I am the one with a heart bigger than my size and age. In fact, I must have been very greedy to have hijacked from God a bigger heart than he was supposed to give me. Let me then die for it."

"No. Your big heart is nothing but a heart of gold."



"Ha! I'm in trouble. First it is a big heart, now it is a heart of gold. That means when I die, my body will not even get cold in the grave before thieves come to tear the golden heart out of my poor body. No. I should rather donate my heart to charity. I will remember to let that be the first thing I add to my will. They can sell it and use the money for anything they want."

"Now I can see clearly the child that had been hiding in an adult's body."

"But my body is not yet an adult, and no child can hide under me if I grow. Besides, you say I have a big heart and that means I may die anytime soon. So how again would a child see my body to hide under it?"

"Let me tell you a story that will illustrate to you what I mean by a heart of gold."

"Oh thank you. You know, that is why I had been sitting here at the entrance of this cave waiting to see if my mother will come out to serve me dinner, after which she will tell me a story, and take me along with her."

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