Chapter 13

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9 years a go...

Anthon:"Go a head, shoot the target."

Younger Buck braces him self and shoots, hiting all targets. He looks at Anthon who isent inpresed at all. He walks of, Buck stands up and cleans up. They get to there house where a woman is waiting for them at the door. She greats them and kisses Anthon on his chick, they sit down at the table and start to eat.

Woman:"So, how was work?"

Anthon:"Greait, if it goes on like that Im gonna get a promotion."

Woman:"And how was school Buck?"

Buck looks at Anthon, his face is like a poker face master so he looks back down.

Buck:"It was okay."


A little girl runs to the room with open arms. Anthon gets up and grabs her in to a hug.

Anthon:"Hey there my little princess."

Buck fineshes eating his food and cleans after him self. A woman aproches him and asks:"Are you really okay?"

Buck:"Im fine Anne, Im just tired. Its been a long day."

Two hours later Buck is smoking on the balcony, he is mineding his beasnes when Anthon aproches him.

Anthon:"Mind if I join you?"

Buck:"You are always welcome to join me big bro."

Anthon:"So what was that today?"

Buck:"I dont know..."

Anthon:"I know what happend. You hasitated again."

Buck grunts and turns to face his brother.

Buck:"Look I dont know what you want from me."

Anthon:"I want you to be ready."

Buck:"What do you think, that he is still after us?"

Anthon kluches his fist and smashes at the wall. He puts his hand down and looks at it. It is swolen and it hurts, but he does not care.

Anthon:"Listen to me Buck, he is a real devil. He wont show mearcy, if you hasitate he will crush you."

Buck:"What is he changed, people can chan..."

Before he can finish his sentence Anthon grabs his face and forces him to look at him.

Anthon:"Listen to me little bro, never show that man mearcy

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Anthon:"Listen to me little bro, never show that man mearcy. Got it?"

Buck pushes him away and looks away. Anthon looks at him and walks in to the house. Buck stays there staring in to the distance. Looking at the green grase of England.

A few months go by and Anton gets the letter from some one, he reds true it and gets woried. Buck comes back from school and sees that Anthon is panicking. He knows what time it is. That evening Anne and Anthon daughter Robyn leave the house. He isent them to America, there they will be safe.

Buck:"So what happens now?"

Anthon:"Tonight we will end it all."

He closks his gun and leavrs the house, Buck gets his gun and follow him. They leave the house and hide in the woods like they practes. From the distance there is an explosion. People are screaming and the fire is burning. And yes they bubi trapt the house, but people get to the woods where they are waiting for them. Some of them get shoot and the other are traped in more traps. After that they run true the woods and get to the other side where they run down the hill to the deaks where there boat is waiting. When they arive people are waiting for them, the soraund them. Anthon and Buck stand there grownd and aim at there enemys. Behind them Vladimir Volkov amerges.

Vladimir:"Ah, hello there my dear sons, its been so long."

Anthon:"Dont you Dare take another steap!"

Vladimir:"Anthon, my boy what happend to you. Why do you hate your old man?"

Anthon:"Dont you dare!"

Buck lovers his gun, he steps twords him. Anthon grabs Buck by his hand and trys to protector him.

Buck:"What do you father?"

Vladimir:"Peace my second son. Im tired of this, I was wrong you do belong in this family."


Vladimir:"Nicolas lets go home and leave every thing behind."

Bucks eyes lighten up and he happely walks twords him, but Anthon pushes him back. Vladimirs man start to shoot at them, at that moment Buck realised that day that Vladimir Volkov is full of shit. As they boath fall in the ocean the last thing Buck saw was a dead body of Anthon si king next to him. Life isent fear, it sucks and if you can not trust any one, then who can you?

Buck wakes up, staring at the blue sky. His body hearts, he slowly gets up and looks at his reflection. He notices a scar on his left eyebrow, witch will be a reminder to him for the rest of his life.

Back to present

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Back to present...

Buck turns around to face Anthon in the kitchen.

Buck:"Anthon, I want to know. Did you ever lied to me, like really lied?"

Anthon:"I know some times I was distend from you. But if I told you that I did. Would you love me less?"

Buck:"Of corse not, you are my brother, you were always there for me."

Anthon:"Okay, so are you ready to learn the truth?"

Buck croses his arms and looks at the grownd. "Im ready as I will ever be." He tells him.

Anthon:"I would tell you, but the thing is I am dead."

Buck looks up and he is gone, he takes a step forword and looks arownd.

Buck:"Maybe is for the best."

The end of chapter thirteen...

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