She's Gone... Again

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Chloe Price was up in her room. She could see the sun setting through her flag-covered bedroom window. The day was nearing an end and Chloe was royally pissed off. When she'd gotten home she had thrown her junker truck into park roughly, squealing to a sharp stop and parking unevenly, knocking a trash-can over in the process. Chloe hadn't really given a shit and had just ran inside and up to her room, slamming the door loudly behind her. Chloe didn't care. She could slam it until it fell off it's fucking hinges. Joyce and Step-Shit were out of the house.

One Chloe was in her room, she'd picked her ash tray up from her windowsill and hurled it at the wall. It smashed and Chloe felt slightly better. The sound of the loud smash was somewhat satisfying to Chloe at the moment. She just wanted, NEEDED, to break something. And how ironic that it was her Oregon ash tray that she'd smashed, instead of her phone or a cd or something. Chloe chuckled humorlessly.

The reason Chloe was so pissed off... Well, there were actually TWO reasons. The first being Rachel motherfucking Amber and her bullshit. Chloe loved Rachel like a sister, and treated her like one too. When Max had left Chloe all alone and empty in Arcadia Bay, Rachel had befriended her. She'd given Chloe the strength to continue socializing with the human species. She'd given Chloe the hope that Max may return, even. Rachel was Chloe's angel in more ways than one. Rachel had been the light she'd so badly needed in her moment of complete numb darkness. Rachel had become more and more like a little sister to Chloe the more time the spent together.

Rachel was always so fun-loving an upbeat. Carefree, despite some of the shit she had to deal with. Chloe sometimes envied her for that. She knew she shouldn't, but she did.

Chloe always tried to look out for Rachel. Keep her out of major trouble as best as she could. So when Chloe had found out that Rachel had been screwing Frank you could imagine how betrayed she'd felt. Rachel had always told her everything. Fucking everything! And Chloe had done the same. She'd even told Rachel about her feelings for Max, for fucks sake. She hadn't even told MAX that yet. So why hadn't Rachel told Chloe that she was messing around with Frank? Hell, maybe even more. Judging from what Chloe had found in Frank's crystal meth starter trailer, Rachel may have even been dating the fucker!

Chloe scowled and kicked the leg of her small desk. Things clattered noisily to the floor but she didn't pay them any attention. She was too pissed off at the moment. Her room seemed stale and hot all of the sudden. She needed some space to breathe. She needed some fucking air!

Chloe reached over and pryed open her window. Chloe crouched down, hopped out of her room and sat down on the roof, taking in the much needed supply of fresh air and closing her eyes tightly.

After a couple minutes, Chloe finally managed to chill...sort of. It was as good as she could fucking get at the moment. When Chloe opened them, her eyes settled on the setting sun. The sun was half-way set and it was glowing a brilliant orange with a faint pink-ish purple surrounding it. The color reminded Chloe instantly of Max's hoodie. The same hoodie that the adorkable hipster seemed to always wear. Chloe felt her stomach clench.

"Fuck!" Chloe whispered to herself. That was another reason for Chloe's shitty mood. Only this one had a hint of mopey-neas mixed in. Max and Chloe had hit a rough patch, to say the least, when Chloe had found out about Rachel and Frank. Chloe had flipped the fuck out and shit had hit the fan, especially on the drive back to Max's dorm.

Chloe clenched her teeth as her stomach clenched again. A lump formed deep in her throat when she remembered how Max had tried to comfort Chloe. Max had tried to calm Chloe down. But Chloe had just acted like a spoiled fucking five year old and given Max the silent treatment the rest of the drive. When they'd arrived at Max's campus, Max had turned to Chloe and had opened her mouth hesitantly, to say something. But Chloe had turned and looked away, and Max had just grabbed her camera and gotten out of Chloe's truck.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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