Chapter Eleven

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   While Diana had gotten up, she thanked Mordred for helping her. "Mordred Le Faye!" "Why haven't you killed Diana, yet?!" Morgana asked, seething with rage. "Because, I refuse to kill an innocent soul." "Also, your score was with Merlin, & she shouldn't be dead, because of your anger!" Mordred said, while protecting both; Dragon King & Diana. "You'll never hurt Diana, or Dragon King; Asa!" "Not while I'm here!" Mordred told his mother, angrily. "Why you little!" Morgana said, as she had fought her son, yelling; "I am your mother!" "You will do as I say!" "No." Mordred said, as Asa had grabbed Diana, while bringing her to The Kazulah Mountains', to their cave home. "While Mordred had came up the mountain, he told Diana & Asa, through tears'; what had happened to his mother, while Asa told him; "you did the right thing." "Also, thank you for saving my fiance'."

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