Chapter One

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-Y/n's POV-

I sat in the back of a cop car heading to a town called South Park

My father had been arrested for something that the cops refused to speak to me about- saying that I wouldn't understand- but truthfully I probably knew more than they did

I watched my father murder girlfriend after girlfriend- staying silent in hopes that one day I would be able to escape, earning my fair share of abuse and scars in the meantime, both emotionally and physically

The police told me that they located my mother and would be taking me to meet her- I never knew I had a mother, I had just assumed my father had killed her like the countless other women

I had several scars on my face as a result of the abuse I've endured- I've had a tough upbringing to say the least

I never got to go to public school since my father didn't want me to make any friends in fear I would confide in someone or someone would notice the bruises and cuts that littered my body

I always found myself wearing long sleeves and leggings- using makeup to try and cover up anything that was visible since I found these marks to be quite triggering- reminding me of everything that has happened

I looked around at the beautiful mountains that surrounded the town as we passed by a sign that read 'South Park'

This place was definitely not anything like California- there was tons of snow on the ground. Children were ice skating, building snowmen, and even having snow ball fights

I was 17, I didn't have my driver's license or anything but I was supposed to be a senior this year, maybe my mom will let me go to public school

I wonder if she will even want to take me in- or even remember that I exist- I really hope she's nothing like my father, I winced at the mere thought of him, the feeling of his hands on my throat still fresh in my mind

We pulled up to a bright green house that was labeled '28201'

The cops got out and knocked at the front door, leaving me in the car so that I couldn't hear their conversation

I saw a woman standing at the door, she looked really upset- I think she was crying?

The police came back to the car and opened my door, allowing me to go up to the woman, "you have the same eyes as my Eric" she cried pulling me in for a hug "they told me that you died during birth- I can't believe you've been alive all this time" she said "and living with that monster!" she began rubbing my back and whispered to me "you're safe now"

She pulled away and brought me inside, the police went a grabbed my suitcase and placed it on the doorstep before leaving, "we will be contacting you shortly with information regarding F/n Cartman- thank you for the compliance" they said closing the door and leaving

"You're so beautiful Y/n" she smiled, still teary eyed "I can't believe you're alive"

"AYE mom- get me some more cheesy poofs!" someone demanded from up the stairs- I winced at the sound of his loud voice, giving her a strange look

"Oh sweetie" she sighed "your father didn't tell you anything did he- you have a twin brother- his name is Eric"

"A t-twin" I whispered just quiet enough for me to hear

"Follow me- I'll introduce you" she said walking up the stairs into a purple bedroom that was pretty messy- several Terence and Philip posters cluttered the wall- in the bed was a chubby boy with brown hair, and his eyes looked just like mine

I had never met anyone besides my father who had those eyes- I mean I didn't really meet many people, but from what I've seen from TV and stuff, the condition seems pretty rare

Headed Home (Kenny x Reader) (South Park) - PAUSEDWhere stories live. Discover now