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| Nico |
Hey there darling💕

| Zoe |
Hello Nico😊

| Nico |
Is it okay for you if I call you darling?🙈

| Zoe |
Sure! I enjoy it very much amd it makes my blush every time☺

| Nico |
Thats cute☺ There's actually a better reason why I message you🙈

| Zoe |
Is everything okay?

| Nico |
Yes..it's just..🙈 I wanted to ask you out for a date. A real date, not only a random meet up or anything. Because I really really like you and..yeah🙈

| Zoe |
Ohh Nico🖤 Of course I would want to go on a real date with you☺

| Nico |
Thats great🙂 I'll text you when and where. Are you okay with a date in Monaco?

| Zoe |
I really liked it there and it's not that far from my home, so yes, why not?

| Nico |
Great! Will text you then. And thank you for agreeing darling💕

| Zoe |
I'm looking forward to it☺

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