Chapter 1

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He was here. He was finally here.

He couldn't quite believe it, but after a many-hour journey, he had arrived in London. The hustle and bustle of the city would usually annoy him, but this time, it actually brought him relief.

It was very different compared to the cities in Russia as well. For starters, everything was in English, including the people, who were chattering to each other as they walked by. There also seemed to be a lot of flowers - or at least there was in the section he was in. Especially roses. Roses of many colours and sizes, all blooming brightly. Their beauty brought awe to all those who passed them.

By the time he had got there, the night was already starting to close in. He was especially glad that he had learnt how to read English before he left, as he most likely wouldn't have been able to find where he was meant to be going without being able to read the many signs.

The palace. Even in the evening, it was still swarmed with many guards patrolling the place. He couldn't blame them, though. Being a royal was dangerous business.

As he approached the towering gates in front of the towering building, he felt nerves wash over him. But he couldn't turn back now, not after all the time and effort he spent getting here. Besides, he was doing this for a better life, after all. He walked up to the gates, where two guards stood. Even though he was a lot taller than the both of them, he couldn't help but feel slightly intimidated.

"Good evening, sir. How may I help you?"

One of them spoke. He swallowed down any insecurities he had to force out a response.

"My name is the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics Moscow. I'm here to speak with the King about the new job opening."

"Ah, I see. His Majesty shall be waiting for you. Do come in."

With that, the gates were opened, allowing him to walk inside. They were closed again almost as quickly as they were opened. He stared at what would be his new home for however long, then entered.


After asking some guards and servents where he had to go, he discovered that he was to have a face to face meeting with the King himself. The King, King British Empire. Leader of many colonies and his kingdom alike. Queenless with five sons married and moved out, and one son not. Him. He had to make a good first impression, otherwise he'd have to kiss goodbye his first - if not only - opportunity to have a better life.

So there he was, stood outside the doors of the throne room, waiting to be called in once His Majesty was ready. The man didn't have much time to think, though, as the doors were soon swung open and a servent gestured to him to come in. Trembling a little, he went into the room so large it seemed like it would never end. Huge portraits of their family were scattered across the walls, with one prominent one which he recognised as the King with his youngest son, just behind the throne. He approached the King, then bowed respectfully.

"You must be USSR. I appreciate you coming all this way for our invitation. How was your journey?"

King British Empire sat tall, even taller than USSR, on his throne. A glistening gold crown rested on his head and a velvet red cloak cascaded down his figure. A sabre lay at the side of him, which seemed to glow in the candlelight that illuminated the room.

"It was long, but it was worth it, your Majesty."

"Good. Now, I have an incredibly important job for you, which I promise will pay you well. My son, the Prince, is in dire need of a personal guard to make sure he is safe wherever he goes. Can you do that?"

"Of course, your Majesty."

The corners of the King's mouth turned upwards into a smile, yet his eyes still pierced into USSR's soul.

Roses and Sunflowers // countryhumans sovbritWhere stories live. Discover now