I'll Always Return

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Sansa attempted to stay alone as much as possible the next few weeks. After Petyr had left for his business outside of the Vale, she was charged with occupying Sweetrobin. It was an unpleasant responsibility. He was a spoiled child, weak and fretful. Often times his temper tantrums would turn into his frightful little fits. She had confided in Petyr before he left, nearly begging him not to leave her in the Vale. In response he had merely repeated his previous statement.

"If you're not here, sweetling, whom can I trust to act as the protector in my stead?"

Much to her chagrin protecting the Vale in his instead of him meant the attending to the dying little lordling as well. He would crawl into her bed most nights, attempting to suck milk from her breasts. When his mother, Lysa, was alive she had encouraged it in him. Sansa fancied that his weakness stemmed from that and she often worried that now he would adapt without it and grow stronger.

She was well aware of what would happen if the boy failed to keep his end of the bargain; to die in a timely manner. She would have to wed the nasty little thing. Her fingers cut into her palms as she pondered what it would be like to have to marry him. Even as her new, stronger self, Alayne, it would be an immense burden. Bedding the wretch would break her, she was sure of it.

And what of Petyr? Would he allow her to do such a thing? Sansa's mind wandered comfortingly toward her only friend in the castle that was now far away. He had been gone for nearly two months now, and he'd not sent back any correspondence either. She meant to do something about that as soon as he returned. Sansa had created a detailed plan to follow for this venture. She'd greet him and she'd begin the grand manipulation that she had thought over in her head plenty of times. Sansa Stark would demand news from the outside world. It was information she was sure he knew of. Next she would demand a meeting with her betrothed Harry Hardying. And thus the plan would continue, she'd manipulate that devilish little man. Sansa Stark would hold him ransom, because now she knew what he wanted. As he'd told her before that was the key to controlling your pawns. And her pawn was what he would become.

Sweetrobin spotted her walking amoungst the drafty hallways. He waved excitedly and walked as fast as he could without exerting himself terribly. She applied Alayne's smile to her face and bent in her thick woolen gown to greet him as he came toward her. He stopped short suddenly, drawing himself up to his full height and then lowering into a deep bow.

"My lady," He greeted genially.

"My lord," She returned, sinking into Alayne's unpractied curtsy.

"How do you fare this day?" He grinned at her.

"I'm very well and yourself?"

"I'm quite well. Father has come home. He's brought back all sorts of wonders. You should see, Alayne. I saw many dresses for you, and for me he's brought me back new blunt swords to practice with."

Her heart beat faster in her chest. Baelish was home and it was time she put her pawn to work. Sansa was sure there wouldnt be much resistance. While her mother had granted her many privileges, the gift of looking exactly like her would soon be more valuable to her than any of the others.

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