Chapter Two

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-Y/n's POV: The Next Morning-

I woke up to the sound of my alarm which I had set on my new phone

I was very grateful for my mom for getting me everything that I needed for my first day of school- however I was still extremely nervous

I went to the bathroom and took a quick shower, doing all the essentials before brushing my teeth and going back to my room- luckily no one else was up so I wasn't in their way

I looked at the clock, '6:20am' still plenty of time to get ready for my first day- I really wanted to make a good impression, I've never had any friends so I was hoping that this was my chance

I wrapped the towel I had used to dry off around my hair as I looked through my closet for something to wear

I decided on an oversized stripped f/c pullover sweater with a pair of ripped jeans, pairing that with the new platform converse my mom had bought me

I plugged in my blow dryer and quickly dried my hair, styling my h/l h/c hair it in curls which I brushed out, using a clip to pull half my hair up, then pulling out some strands to frame my face

Next I put on my f/s makeup which I wore practically everyday- trying my best to cover up my scars so that I wouldn't get starred at all day

I grabbed my f/c backpack that mom had bought me and filled it with all the school essentials, grabbing my old laptop and slipping it inside- that was the one nice thing my father had ever given me, I used to be monitored when I used it, but now I had a lot more freedom which was nice

I looked in the mirror and made sure I looked okay before going downstairs, my mom had gotten up and was now making breakfast, "it smells really good" I smiled, sitting down at the table

"Don't you look beautiful" she smiled, placing a plate full of pancakes down in front of me, "Eric food is ready!" she yelled

Eric came into the kitchen, his hair was wet so he must have just showered, he looked pretty grumpy, "God-" he sighed "did you have to get all dressed up"

I just gave him a confused expression

"Like come on- all the dudes are going to hit on you" he said staring at me "I don't feel like dealing with that shit"

"Eric be nice- it's not her fault she's beautiful" she said placing down a plate of pancakes in front of him, he just rolled his eyes before quickly devouring them

"Whatever- let's go" he said getting up and putting on his jacket, I grabbed my jacket and followed him to his car, we got in and he pulled out of the driveway

He had such an odd music taste: Lady Gaga, Adele, and some other random songs- I didn't mind it though, better than sitting in silence

We pulled up to the school and got out, meeting up with the boys I had met at the park last night, "Ready for your first day of hell?" said the boy who I thinks name is Stan

"Anythings better than homeschool" I laughed

"Homeschool kids are weird-" I believe his name was Kyle started "I didn't mean- shit- you're not weird" he said flushing bright red, I just laughed at his frustration, not taking what he said to heart

"Mhmh mh hm hump mhm mh hmp mphumm?" the boy in orange said, I forgot his name, but I couldn't understand what he said so I just looked at Kyle with a confused face

"Kenny asked if you wanted him to take you to the office" he said

"Oh yes I would love that, thanks Kenny" I smiled following the orange boy inside

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