Being a parent

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Some days are exhausting,
Every day is rewarding,
These days are important,
Through all the stressful times,
Through all the joyous times,
Comes being a parent,

Days you have to separate a fight,
Moments filled with laughs of delight,
Points of children yelling,
Through all the kid's sick days,
All the cuddle days,
Comes the job of being a parent,

Days bursting with dancing,
Days of knee scrapping,
Evening trips to the park,
Battling their afternoon naps,
Days you just want to collapse,
The joys of being a parent,

Your eyes shining with motherly affection,
Your children are perfection,
Tears falling like a waterfall,
Children are wailing,
You are comforting,
Cherished moments of being a parent.

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