Akytuh and Shebah Eeenoo

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Akytuh EeenooAge: 6 Sweeps (13 human years)Blood: OliveChum Handle: bombasticCynophobiaGender: Demiboy (They/He/Bark)Typing Style: Uses words like 'bark', 'woof' etc

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Akytuh Eeenoo
Age: 6 Sweeps (13 human years)
Blood: Olive
Chum Handle: bombasticCynophobia
Gender: Demiboy (They/He/Bark)
Typing Style: Uses words like 'bark', 'woof' etc., begins messages with >>, types in all caps, uses multiple exclamation marks, never uses words like 'me', 'I', 'my', replaces said words with his own name (ex; >> AKYTUH IS NOT STUPID!!! AKYTUH KNOWS THAT YOU JUST HAVE THE BALL BEHIND YOUR BACK, WOOF!!! SO GIVE IT TO AKYTUH!!! GRRRRR WOOF!!!)
Sprite by: I just use the troll doll generator lol
(I love this little guy even though he's basically just dog Nepeta)

, begins messages with >>, types in all caps, uses multiple exclamation marks, never uses words like 'me', 'I', 'my', replaces said words with his own name (ex; >> AKYTUH IS NOT STUPID!!! AKYTUH KNOWS THAT YOU JUST HAVE THE BALL BEHIND YOUR BACK, ...

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Shebah Eeenoo
Age: 9 Sweeps (19 human years)
Blood: Olive
Chum Handle: fantasticLycantrope
Gender: Agender (They/It/Wolf)
Typing Style: Same as Akytuh but always types in lowercase except for words like 'woof', 'awoo', 'bark', etc., >> is instead <<, the letter 'I' is replaced with '?' (ex; << GRRR, god eff?ng damn ?t. well played ya l?ttle sh?t. but th?s ?s altern?a, and ?n altern?a, people d?e!!! AWOO!!!)
Sprite by: Troll Doll Generator
(If you couldn't tell they are Akytuh's dancestor)

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