Chapter 9 | Meeting you again

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Months after Kaveh's death, it was his birthday. Alhaitham brought a cake with Mehrak to his grave. Along with Nilou.

"Happy birthday Kaveh"

The two said without holding back their tears.

"Hi Kaveh, here is your favorite cake, your favorite flowers from Nilou, and my love for you, that's why here I am."

"Haitham, I'm so sorry for your loss."

"... it's fine nilou. He had a whole life ahead of him. I just wish I could give him most of the happiness he deserved."

"Kaveh would love that, why did he have to die so early."

"By the way Alhaitham why do you have a knife with you? I thought you said the cake was for Kaveh only?"

"Kaveh, we can reunite now."

Nilou stopped Alhaitham before he could stab himself. Haitham was too stubborn to hand Nilou the knife that the two were starting to fight about. When Nilou grabbed the knife, Alhaitham pulled it back with all his strength.

"Alhaitham stop! You know Kaveh doesn't want you dead too"


Alhaitham let go of the knife, but what he didn't know it struck Nilou.

"Alhaitham... Kaveh's right there... behind you."

Nilou fell to the ground.

Alhaitham was in deep thought. Kaveh was behind him? His ghost? He was still watching over Alhaitham? Yes. He decided that he didn't want to kill himself for his lover. He will wait until his natural death to be reunited with Kaveh.

A voice called him "Haitham!"

"Wait this voice is familiar"

"Alhaitham don't die, I want you to live a longer life than me, please don't kill yourself. I can't rest peacefully on my grave if you're going to die."

"If I stay longer, you'll get more hurt, or others too. So please Alhaitham, I love you, don't die."

"As you wish, my love."

When Alhaitham came back to his senses, he called 911 for Nilou. The ambulance rushed her on time.

The good thing she survived.

Alhaitham decided to visit Nilou when she's well. He felt bad for what he wanted to do for himself. He knows, Kaveh knows too. What Alhaitham wanted to do, is to keep Kaveh protected and safe.

When Nilou regained consciousness, she found a note on her bed, saying:

Dear Nilou,

I'm sorry for what I did. I know Kaveh wouldn't like that too. I paid your hospital bills so you won't have to worry. I know what you and Kaveh want. I'll be fine now, I'll keep track of continuing life until I get older and die. Thank you for making me understand, thank you to you and Kaveh.


Nilou was happy after the news. But she hopes Alhaitham will be fine. He will be okay while trying to move on from Kaveh in his heart. But she knows too, Kaveh will be protecting Alhaitham in a way he doesn't know.

Many years passed, Alhaitham has his last moment before his death. The time has come.

"Kaveh, here I come, love, you're there."

He died.

Like what Alhaitham wanted, his coffin was buried near Kaveh's. His final wish came true. He can finally rest in peace the same.

After the wake, everyone left, except Kaveh's kitten, Mehrak. It slept near the two's graves. It won't find another owner. It will never leave its place, where it's now its home.

A few years later.

"Ooh a kitty! I want it!" A blonde child took little Mehrak and went to play with him. Mehrak felt like the blonde child seems familiar. "I'm going to name you Mehrak!"

The kid played and played with the kitten until he stumbled on a book.


A gray-haired child shouted at the blonde. "Geez don't be so angry at least it didn't rip or something. By the way, what's your name? You look so cute." The grey-haired hid his face in his book.

"I-I'm Alhaitham, call me Haitham."

"Awww cutie Haitham I love to pinch your cheeks"

"AHHH stop it!"

"Fine fine, my name is Kaveh by the way."

"Oh hi Kaveh, you seem familiar to me."

"Same to you Haitham, anyways wanna play with Mehrak than read a boring book?"


The End.

Author: finally finished !!
Have a nice day peeps

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