Part 1: the first visit

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As long as you could remember you've been obsessed with jellyfish, their colours, the way they move, how they work, everything
Your parents had endorsed this obsession as a child and bought you books on them, soon plush jellyfish followed and eventually your room was full of odd memorabilia and every sentence you spoke you would spew the odd factoid
But as you grew older you lost that.. sure you loved them still but you learned to stop bringing it up at the drop of a hat

In June you moved to your nans house in Cardiff so you could go to the local college
You met new friends and none of them new of your past obsession
But last month the local aquarium announced a new exhibit , jellyfish .. you were ecstatic and begged your friends to go with you, that day you and your friends walked around the aquarium suddenly I sign caught your eye "jellyfish exhibit ———>" you run off in that direction to find them, ignoring your friends confused yells and dashing straight down the twisting aquarium hallway and then you arrive, their skin glimmering slightly against the dim light all their colours blend together in a wonderful flash and you stand there in wonder for minutes,
suddenly in the corner of your eye you see a guy staring at you as he notices your eyes he puts his hand up almost to wave but before you can respond you feel a cold hand on your shoulder
You whip around startled to see Leslie
"Hey fish..? What's going on are you ok?"
"Yeah I'm fine les.. I just have to .."
You turn back around but.. he's gone just like that
"Sorry it's fine I just thought I saw something" you sigh and step closer to the tank
"Oh ok, anyway me and Gwen were thinking about going out to eat. Want to come ?"
You turn around pushing your back against the tank seeing her face you smile and nod
"Sure where are we going ?"

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