Chapter Five

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-Y/n's POV-

I woke up the the sound of knocking on my window, I opened it and was locked eyes with someone wearing a hood that covered most of their face

I went to scream but they covered my mouth- I examined the rest of their outfit, they were wearing a green M on their chest with purple bodysuit, with underwear over it?

"It's alright I'm not gonna hurt you" he whispered in a deep raspy voice- it seemed like he was trying to do a batman impression- but it was kind of hot

He removed his hand from my mouth once I relaxed, "who are you?" I asked as the boy climbed into my bedroom, "and why do you know where I live?"

"My name is Mysterion- and I'm South Park's protector" he smirked, walking around my bedroom

"Well why are you here" I said watching the boy suspiciously

"I heard you were hurt today- came to check on you" he said turning, making eye contact with me, "also wanted to introduce myself"

"I'm fine- I don't need protecting" I said sitting down on my bed

"You have a lot of scars" he said staring at my exposed skin- unfortunately I had decided to wear just an oversized t-shirt to bed so all my marks were exposed, I also didn't have any makeup on

I tried covering them with my hands

"Where'd you get them?" he asked sitting down at my desk

"I just met you- I hope you didn't think I'd just tell you my life story" I said looking at the mysterious boy who just pouted at my comment

"How can I protect you if you won't talk to me" he smirked, moving himself to now be seated at the foot of bed

"Doesn't matter anyways- these are all from my father, and he's in prison now" I shrugged

"I think it matters" he said reaching for my hand, "especially because it's a pretty girl like you"

I quickly pulled it away, "you're quite a flirt Mysterion" I giggled, "I bet you say that to all the girls in South Park"

He put his hand over his chest, acting as though I'd shot him through the heart, "believe it or not, you're actually the only girl I've ever come to personally check on"

"Well thank you" I smiled "but it's late and I'm tired"

"Not even going to invite me to stay the night" he joked, climbing out through the window

I looked down at the ground but he appeared to have vanished- what a strange encounter

I closed my window and climbed back into my bed, falling asleep thinking about the mysterious boy who had just been in my room

-Time Skip: Sunday Morning-

I woke up to the sound of knocking at my door, "Y/n sweetie, I made breakfast"

I groaned before getting up and heading downstairs, I sat down at the table as my mom placed a plate of waffles in front of me

"How'd you sleep honey?" she asked sitting beside me

"Alright" I yawned "where's Eric?"

"Oh he went to meet up with his friends at the park to play basketball or something" she said "it is almost noon"

"Wow I really slept in huh" I laughed "do you think you could drive me to meet up with them?"

"Sure sweetie" she smiled "go get ready and I'll take you"

Headed Home (Kenny x Reader) (South Park) - PAUSEDWhere stories live. Discover now