chapter one

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The storm raged mercilessly around them, as the tentacles reached for the Silver Siren, trying to pull them under. It was cold, a strong wind almost tipping the ship over.

In the middle of it all the captain, face to face with one of the massive tentacles. Just as he tried to land his strike upon this creature, the ship was shooken by a mighty strike of the creature, waves crashing onto the deck. He lost his footing, sword slipping from his grasp. Painfully it cut into his skin, before it was pulled into the ocean by the rough waves and just as he was sure that this right now old be his last breath, a thud on the deck. A stranger, lifting two swords, severing the tentacle in half as it came down on them, sparing the captains life.

„Aye!", the stranger yelled over the loud sounds of the raging storm, before he tossed him a sword. Sapnap caught it, looked around perplex and watched multiple people swing from their ship onto his, rushing to help his crew. He looked up, their ship hoisting a weathered Jolly Roger. Pirates.

He looked over at the stranger, now noticed his captain hat and breathlessly he smiled at him with silent gratefulness in his gaze. The other captain winked at him, saluted. „Captain Karl Jacobs, of the Grand Lightning.", he said and before the other could reply with his own introduction, Karl ran over to a few ropes, cut one loose and got hoisted into the air, swinging towards another tentacle, dealing yet another powerful strike. Quickly the captain ran up to the now cowering tentacle, dealing it another blow, watched it pulling back into the ocean. The other captain landed in a roll next to him on the deck as the watched the creature slowly retreating into the waters.

„Hoist the sails!", the captain yelled and before he ran up to the helm, he looked at Karl, tipped his hat, „Captain Sapnap Halo, of the Silver Siren." Karl smirked, looked him up and down before he looked over to his crew. „All back on deck! Raise the anchor and follow their lead!", he yelled, before swinging back over to his ship on one of the loose ropes. „Aye, captain!", his crew yelled back and quickly both ships were on course to sail out of the storm.

As the water calmed, the sky cleared up and the danger was banned, Sapnap heard a whistle from the other ship that sailed beside them. He turned to look an saw Karls crew with long ropes on the railing. „You mind if we tie the ships together?", Karl asked, „Join forces till the next port?" „Yeah, sure!", Sapnap yelled back, whistles and send his crew to the railing, catching the ropes and tying them to their ship, so they could all traverse freely from one deck to the other.

And as everything seemed to loosen up, Sapnap took a moment to sit on the stairs to the helm and access his wounds. Deep cuts, dark bruises. His body ached and he hissed as the adenalin left his blood stream and the pain came crashing down on him. He closed his eyes and pressed his lips together, when suddenly gentle hands unbuttoned his bloodied shirt, before a warm cloth wiped the blood of his skin. He opened his eyes, saw Karl kneeling in front of him and carefully taking care of his wounds. „Why did you come to safe us?", he asked the question that had rested on the tip of his tongue since he had seem his savior strike the creature for the first time. Karl smiled softly. „Pirate code. If another pirate is in danger, you may rush to aid.", he replied and started wrapping bandages around Sapnaps chest and arm, „Never heard of that one?" „Not really, no one ever taught me the pirate code to be quite honest. Just know the basics, like the right of Parle and the captain goes down with the ship"

Karl chuckled and Sapnap smiled. „What's so funny?", he asked and Karl shook his head. „A pirate captain that barely knows the code.", he chuckled and Sapnap shrugged, looked at the floor sheepishly. „My captain just send me on my merry way when I turned eighteen, he was never much of a teacher really", he said and Karl gave him a slight smile. „Well, we have time till the next port, maybe I can teach you a bit"

The Pirate Code // Karlnap Fanficحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن