Part 1: don't push her away

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Hope Pov:

I hate that the hollow is still in my family, but I have an idea. "Henry, the blood you wanted" I say handing him it, he hands me an envelope with the money I asked for. "There's eight vials" he says confused. "Give them to thee other wolves" I say before walking away. 

"Hey Hope" Josie says as she sits next to me in class, "Hey Jo" I say quietly, listening to Dorian talk about spell pronunciation. A loud thud is heard making everyone look outside. "Hope, outside" Dorian says pointing to the door. Fucking Henry. I stand outside anxiously as Dorian walks out with me. "What the hell are you thinking" he whisper shouts so the others won't hear. "Four wolves, dead." he says and I shrug my shoulders. "They shouldn't have paid me for my blood" I say without a care in the world. 

"Five actually" Dr Saltzman says dragging a recently turned Henry. "Five Cresent wolves" he says looking at me disappointed. "You're all being suspended" he says and I sigh walking back in the class. Picking up my bag, everyone stares at me confused "Hurry up Ms. Marshall" Dorian says and I roll my eyes storming out the class. "What the fuck were you thinking. I said be discreet" I ask the wolves, "don't answer that" I say and they nod. 

"Hayley is here to collect you all" Mr. Saltzman says and I sigh, picking up my bag and walking out. "Get in the car. All of you" she says angrily. I get in the front as my Hybrids get in the back. "Hope, tell me what you were thinking" Mom asks me and I look at the wolves. "Don't listen" I say to them and they nod. "We can get them back" I say and she looks at me confused, "Who" she asks and I just look down. "Hope, they're kids" she says realising what I mean, I shrug my shoulders and look out the window until we get home. 

"I'm going to my room" I say stepping out of the car, "No you're not" she says vamping in front of me. She pulls me in the compound, Freya and Keelin are waiting for me, "Hope you will not hurt those kids do you hear me" Mom says and I ignore her, "Hurt what kids" Freya asks and I look up, "Mom, I wouldn't be hurting them. I just want them back" I say, the hybrids I turned all walk in, "Just. Give me a day" She asks me and I sigh nodding.

Josie Pov:

"Hey Hope" I say appearing in front of her, "Josie, how are you here" she asks me standing up. "Astral projection" I say and she nods. "What happened, why are you suspended" I ask her curiously and she doesn't answer. "Nothing important" she says and I roll my eyes, sitting next to her, "The wolves shouldn't have survived a fall that high. How did they" I ask her curiously. "I turned them" she whispers and I step back, shocked and confused. "How. You're a witch" I say and she shakes her head. "No I'm not". I got to ask her something but the spell is broken. 

"What the fuck" I whisper to myself. "Language Josie" I hear a familiar voice say and I turn. "Mom" I say hugging her tightly.

Hope Pov:

"Hope" Mom says knocking my door. "come in" I say and she nods walking through the barrier spell I put up. "I know you want them back. I do too" she places a hand on my shoulder as she says that. "Why won't you let me" I ask looking at her, my eyes watering slightly. "I want to let you do it. I do, but can you handle knowing you're the ones that turned them" she asks me and I look at her, "I can handle it" I say and she nods. "I talked to Marcel, he said we can use some of his vampires from the Dungeons to do it. You're dad, aunt Rebekah and Uncles are on their way" she says pausing for a second. "They  think you're in Mystic falls" I nod my head hugging her.

The next day

The vampires, are in the middle of four different circles, "Are you ready" Freya asks and I nod my head. "Rebekah is first up" she says and I nod. "Auntie Bex" I say looking at her as we enter the compound, she's standing outside the circle the vampire is in. "You put it in the vampire, I'll kill her" She says and I nod. We chant the spell, watching as the blue orb comes out of auntie Bex's chest and into the vampire. I turn after knowing it worked. Covering my ears to avoid the sound of the girl being killed. 

I turn after a minute at the feeling of some ones hand on my shoulder, I turn and hug auntie Bex tightly. "I missed you" I say and she kisses my shoulder. "I missed you too little one" she says, I smile at her, taking her hand and walking her to my mom. "Are you ok" she asks me again and I nod rolling my eyes. "Mom, it's just a little magic. I'm fine" I say walking back over to Freya. 

"Hope you can't be here for the next ones. it's too dangerous" Freya says and I nod my head, not moving. "I don't care" I say waiting for someone to walk through the doors. "Elijah" Freya says as he's dragged through the doors, he looks at us, confused. "Why am I here" he asks as he stands in front of the circle. 

We ignore him and chant watching again as the orb goes into him, Rebekah vamps over and snaps the vampires neck before I can turn. I place a hand on my head as it starts to hurt. "No more Hope" Mom says walking up to me. "No, I have to see them" I say looking at her. "Hope" I hear and I turn to see my dad and Kol walk in together. "dad" I whisper smiling at him. "Get out of here. The hollow could infect you" he says and I shake my head, "now" Freya says and Elijah vamps me away. 

Josie pov:

"Hope" I say as she's vamped into her room by an original. "No" she says looking at the vampire. "Hope I'm sorry, it was to dangerous" He says to her, "You took me away from them" she says throwing him against the wall angrily. I walk up to her "Hope, are you ok" I ask looking at the vampire on the floor. 

She walks out my dorm and I follow her. The vampire stands up, brushing his suit before walking beside me. "Hope" I say making her look at me. "Josie" she whispers hugging me. Never in the 8 years I've known her has she ever hugged me. "hey" I say after we stop hugging. "Leave" she says looking at the man beside me, "I had to" he says looking at her softly. "Let's go eat" Hope says looking at me. I nod as we walk to the dining area. 

"Hope. Listen to me" The man says as we sit down, she ignores him and hands me a fork, "You could've gotten hurt" he says apologetically, "I don't care" she says raising her voice. "I do" he says. Lizzie sits next to me "Who is that" she asks and I shrug my shoulders. "no clue" I tell her. "That was my one shot of getting him back" she shouts at him, making everyone look over to us. "Freya is doing the spell as we speak" he says to her and she shakes her head. "She needed another witch" she says hurt. "Hope" he says but Hope waves her hand and throws him across the hall. "No uncle Elijah." she says standing up.

My parents walk in the hall after hearing the bang caused by the throw, Elijah stands up, rubbing his suit again. "I understand you're angry, but I swore to keep you safe. We swore to keep you safe" he says loudly from across the room. "What are you doing here" my dad asks Elijah, who ignores him. 

"Your father will be ok" he says walking up to her slowly. "And you're so sure about that, isn't that what you said seven years ago" Hope says sitting back down. "I was right. You were ok" he says to her softly. "No, I knew my dad for 6 month before he was taken from me" she says as tears pool in her eyes, I reach my hand over the table, taking her hand in mine. 

Hope Pov:

Everyone stares at me while I argue with Elijah, Josie holds my hand and I calm slightly. "We protected you, you would be dead if it wasn't for what we did" Elijah says calmly looking at me. "I would've came back" I whisper knowing he can here me. "Let's take this some place else" Caroline says, "Caroline this is a family issue" Elijah says to her. "Yeah, the last family issue of yours I was apart of. A lot of people died" she says looking at me. "Hope. There's a note in your room, it's from your dad" she says and I stand up walking to my room.

My dearest Hope:

Being away from you was by far the hardest thing I've ever had to do, Freya and Vincent are taking the hollow out of me tomorrow. I will come back to you my littlest wolf, and when we are united I will never leave you. I love you, always and forever.

Tears fall from my eyes as I read the letter, "Hope" Uncle Elijah says as he enters my room, "I'm sorry" I whisper hugging him as I cry. "It's alright" he says before I hear a knock at our door. "Hope, I was just checking in" Josie says smiling at me. "I'm ok, just want to be alone with my uncle" I say closing the door. "Why don't you invite her to join" uncle Elijah suggests and I shake my head. "It's better if she stays away" I say hearing him chuckle, "your father used to say that. Don't push her away" 

A/N: Made this for @sadiesliars 

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