Chapter 1

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"So I can go to another world or go to heaven?" I asked the ball of light in front of me who called itself an avatar of God for Christiananity.

"Yep, though I'd advise you to go to another world. You died pretty young & as a policy that came into effect roughly a century ago on earth.

"But why me? I stopped believing in you when I got to high school. No offense, but if you see what the people are doing in your name & all of the contradiction they've done, it made me give up on my faith." I say recalling my life. I'd seen a lot of shit done by people & the brainwashing that's done in America. Especially with all the bullshit with guns and conservatives bringing religion into the government.

"True, but it never changed the type of person you were in life. You were a good person, and your actions proved that. That's all I asked for people to do even though I myself wasn't perfect during my younger days. As what the people have done, there's nothing I can do as it comes with free will." It said.

"Okay then, if you don't mind, what is this other world you speak of?" I asked curiously as I was satisfied with his answer.

"As you have heard from all those fanfic's, it's similar to that. I'll be sending you to the world of Teyvat with a random experience card as a gift." It said as a blank card appeared in front of me.

"What does this do?" I asked as I felt a connection with it.

"Like a gift, you will get the powers & abilities you get from a system or other deities. These cards are its equivalent's. It would choose 1 person you no from any fictional media you have seen with your eyes. Giving you their powers and physical capabilities along with their weaknesses as well to even it out. So would you like to be sent to another world?"

"Sign me up, I would like to go to heaven, but there were so many things I never got to do. Also, having powers is nearly every person's dream."

"Okay, let's see what character you get?" God said as the card exploded in light, blinding me before everything went black.

'I forgot to tell him that activating the card starts the process. Oh well, I'll give him a Golden Rule skill to help him out as payment.' God thought to himself before a thought crossed his mind.

"Shit, I forgot to tell him that he will have END Power."


"Jesus Christ, my head is killing me?" I thought as I awoke sitting up. My head felt like it was split open, and my vision was blurry as hell.

Soon after my headache disappeared, memories, not my own, flooded my head. Of being raised by a dragon, learning to eat fire, joing a guild, and having a blue talking cat as my best friend. These memories belong to Natsu Dragneel, the Salamander of Fairy Tail. The Fire Dragon Slayer and adoptive son of Igneel & brother of the infamous dark wizard Zeref.

Not only did I get one of my favorite anime characters, but I also got some information about this world. If I can master Natsu's powers, I can most likely fight even the Raiden Shogunate to a standstill.

"Though where a -" I looked around and noticed where I'm at the cryo regisvine waking up.

"Guess you'll be my punching bag. Don't go dying on me cause I'm fired up!" I say excitingly as my body erupts into flames.

Sensing danger, the regisvine quickly goes for a sweeping attack, but I counter with my own attack. My flames converge into my fist.

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"

"Fire Dragon Iron Fist!"

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I launched my fist towards the incoming attack. We clash, but my own strength surpassed its own even though I was holding back. It stumbles back clearly, dazed, but I don't relent. I lunged myself in the air and gave it a barrage of hits. The last hit sent it crashing down. As I landed, I saw it get up as it released another attack as a slow barrage of ice spears came my way.

Deciding to let it recover as I destroy each spear with a wave of flames. I notice it shoots up into the air, and the already ice environment begins to generate more ice.

Sensing danger from the ground, I move just as  spike of ice forms. I noticed ice elemental energy forming underneath me, so I jumped in the air.

'I wonder what would happen if I get rid of the ice environment.'As I was in the air, I thought of the move needed.

"Fire Dragon Brilliant Flame!" I release a firey explosion towards the ground, though I may have overestimated the power needed as the attack not only completely destroyed the Cryo Regisvine,  but the who cave as a giant explosion could be seen freaking out the nation of Mondstat as well as alerting others of my presence.

Angel's Share tavern

"This presence...he has returned." Thought a certain hard who stopped drinking wine with a smile on their face.

Wangsheng Funeral Parlor

A certain "wealthy" Archon stopped in his tracks as he sensed an all to familiar energy that brought a small smile to his face.

'After all these centuries, he finally returns. I should warn him about the girls, but I should get back at him for that prank.'

Plane of Euthymia

"After all this time, you finally returned. I'll make you pay for playing with my heart." Said a beautiful purple headed woman who had a look of both anger and happiness.

Grand Narukami Shrine

"Seem like Dragon boy has returned, looks like a chance to help Ei is coming soon" Said a pink haired Kitsune who had a hint of mischievous glint in her eyes.

Sanctuary of Surasthana

"This presence why does it feel so familiar? And why is Irminsul reacting to it? Thought a green eyed child trapped within a sphere.

Abyss Order

"So the Dragon has returned. Will he keep his promise, by the time my sister journey ends or is he all talk thought a emo looking blonde boy.


"So it finally returned?" Said an Unknown God as see looked at a pink hair boy.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 05, 2023 ⏰

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