"Battle scars"

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Bayla's POV
I can't believe it. I just spoke. I told the whole Brown family about my parents beating me and my cutting. Damn it. And now I'm curled up in Evangeline's chair with Simon sitting in front of me, holding my hands and treating me like no one else has before. With love. "Hey, you'll get through this, we'll get through it together" Simon says with a small smile on his face, and I stand up, and he fallows. Once he's up I hug him tightly and put my face in his neck, it takes him a second but he raps his arms around me, returning the hug "Nobody's ever cared this much about me before, thank you" I say quietly.

Simon's POV
Once we're both standing up she raps her arms around me in a bone crushing hug, which I've got to admit, I didn't expect it, as soon as I was no longer shocked I returned the hug, she tilted her head up a little so it would be closer to my ear she whispers "Nobody's ever cared this much about me before, thank you" she says, her voice was so sweet and soft, I could just kiss her beautiful lips, but I held back and instead kissed her forehead. When I looked away from her I could see My family looking shocked by both of our behaviour, Bayla for obvious reasons, and me because I'm never this caring when it comes to other children. But all I can think about is Bayla sobbing into my chest "Hey, shh it's ok, you'll be ok, I'll help you to become more than ok, I'll help you to become happy" I said to her sweetly, and she nodded "Are you tired sweetie" I heard mum asks her "Very" she said and let go of me and went over to mum and she led her upstairs "I think it's about time that I told you all about something" Dad said sadly and we all went to the living room and sat on the couch "Bayla's father used to hit her, kick her, cut her, you name it. And her mom would record it so they could watch it over again, I've seen a few of the videos and she stopped talking completely when she was five, so she didn't even know what her own voice sounded like until today, she is very depressed and has a very hard time trusting people" he said, but I could tell there was something he had left out "What caused her to end up here?" I asked cautiously "Simon, Tora come with me, the rest of you stay here" he said sternly. Both me and Tora exchange a look of confusion, then get up and fallow him into his study "Please sit down" he says so I sit in his chair and Tora sit in mums chair "You both know what sex and for play is, correct?" We both nod because we've both been to sex Ed class at school "Her father tried to rape her, so right before he was about to, well you know," he says making a hand gesture that would under normal conditions I would laugh at "She punched him hard enough that it knocked him unconscious, put her nightgown back on, went to the kitchen grabbed a knife, and when her mom started yelling at her and hitting her she cut her mothers shoulder and ran out of the house and in front of a carriage, and it stopped and they sent for the police and her parents were arrested and the police have the story from her in writing, but even though there in prison, she's still scared" he said to us and I couldn't believe what I had just heard, no wonder she doesn't trust people "I think it's time you all get to bed" he said to us as we started to go upstairs with the rest of my siblings, I could hear talking, it was mum and Bayla .

Bayla's POV
As me and Evangeline were talking everyone else walked in except Mr.Brown, and I stopped talking "Have a good sleep, sweetie" she said kissing my forehead and leaving. Once she was gone I turned to Simon "Hey Simon..." I said my voice trailing off "Yes, Bayla?" He asked me "Can I barrow a night shirt?" I asked him "Of course" he said passing me an oversized night shirt, and walking into the bathroom. Once inside I stripped off my clothes and shoes and put on the night shirt, it was short enough that you could see the cuts on my legs. As I walked out, all of them starred at my legs, and I just sat on my bed, and little Chrissy came up to me and sat on the bed beside me "What are those?" She asked with a finger on on of my scars "Battle scars" I told her simply, and Simon looked at me confused "Who are you battling?" She asked with a frown "Myself" I said with a tear going down my face "You'll be ok, won't you?" She asked, and I told her the truth "I don't know, but I don't think I will be" I said, as I picked her up and laid her on her bed and walked over to Simon's "Can I sleep with you tonight?" I asked with a slight blush "Of course" he said with a smile as I crawled into bed with him cuddling his chest and slowly falling asleep.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2015 ⏰

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