Taking a Moment

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Morgiana was not entirely sure what had concerned her parents more. The fact that she had returned home early from school or her request to take a vacation.

After the initial scare where Morgiana's parents assumed the only reason she might have for skipping classes was that she was so sick, she was possibly knocking on deaths door. At least hat was how they acted.

Under this assumption they summoned a doctor, despite Morgiana's many protests. Morgiana had to grit her teeth from the embarrassment of purely wasting the doctor's time. After a very quick check where he was clearly going through the motions, he gave a vague diagnosis about her need for more sleep. Morgiana was still blushing when they led the doctor out of the house. Convinced that she was healthy, Morgiana's parents finally were able to calm down. With everyone seated in the family room, they were able to continue their conversation. Sort of.

Tanis repeated her words trying to gain some clarification. "You want to go on vacation?" He glanced nervously around the room before asking his next question. "Are you in trouble sweetheart. You're, you're not pregnant, are you? Of course, if you are that's ok. We can talk about it."

Morgiana raised her hand cutting off her father's words. "Absolutely not and we're not having this conversation."

"Vacation?" Selene asked for the fourth time.

"Yes. Millie expressed that she wished to go back home to Iphine and-"

"I'm sorry. Where did you say you were going?" Selene looked down at her daughter in shock. Then she quickly turned to Millie who gave a small nod of confirmation.


Morgiana knew where Selene's confusion centered from. Millie had not been home since her family disowned her when she had run away nearly twelve years before. The sudden return was strange for everyone to hear.

Selene seemed full of questions, but Millie did not allow her a chance to voice any of them.

"As I was already going home, I thought this would be a good chance to allow Morgiana to step away from her studies. So, I offered to let her join me."

As always, Tanis had attempted to settle the atmosphere of the room by taking the roll of peace maker. He cleared his throat before he spoke. "Umm, Selene maybe, maybe this is a good idea?"

Tanis turned to his partner Kyiv for help.

"Yes, a change of scenery can help remove Morgiana from this" -Kyiv waved his hands as he searched for the right words to use- "strenuous environment."

"Are you suggesting Kyiv, that I am making her environment strenuous?" Selene could not hide the bite in her voice when she spoke to Kyiv. Everyone in the room held their breath knowing the conversation that was about to commence. They had all heard it many times before.

"No just your father." Kyiv said it under his breath, but the intention was for his comment to be heard.

"Excuse me?" Selene stood from her seat and faced down Kyiv.

"Mom, Kyiv, please." Morgiana looked at both parents as she raised her hands in a placating gesture. Resisting the urge to start this argument, both Kyiv and Selene settled. Tanis lightly pulled Kyiv down so that he sat on the arm of the chair while Selene too found her seat.

"I need this. After the final exam, once I finish then I have to start all over. Graduate school, then my internship, and then straight to work. I feel like if I don't take these small moments now, I might not get another chance."

"Ok." Selene looked to Milo, then Tanis and Kyiv. They all nodded their heads in confirmation. "Of course, you can go."

"Thank you."

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