[ 003 ] Human Again

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[ 003 ] human again
[season one, episode three]

The blood flowing from Tessa's wound had slowed significantly allowing her anxiety to ease

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The blood flowing from Tessa's wound had slowed significantly allowing her anxiety to ease. There was still the mystery of how much blood she'd lost but Jacqui had promised they'd be able to give her better medical care once they got back to their camp and Tessa was not one to doubt the credibility of the people who had helped her.

In the seat beside her Rick drove with a worried crease between his eyebrows. His guilt from leaving Merle behind was no doubt weighing down on him.

"It's not your fault Rick. It's no ones fault actually. Merle's an ass. No one will miss him." Tessa turned to the cop as she spoke watching for a change in his facial features. The slightest look of relief swept through his eyes but it was short lived being once again replaced by a worried frown.

"Except maybe Daryl." Morales added.


"His brother..." Tessa sighed, her fingers going to the locket around her neck. So many memories had wound their way in amongst the gold; the boy Tessa had grown up with and the guilt of leaving him behind. Being left behind seemed to be a running theme in the Dixon family.

Rick had no response. Tessa knew that the news would only grow his guilt but for the time being Daryl's absence was a gift everyone was thankful for. Even her.

The sound of a blaring car alarm seemed to shake everyone from their miserable stupor, the smallest of smiles wafting across their faces as Glenn shot past in a bright red Hot Rod. Several whoops of delight fell from the young mans mouth as he passed them.

"He looked pretty pleased with himself." Tessa smiled, leaning over the dashboard to try and get a better view of the exciting performance.

⋆ ★

The engine of the truck stalled slightly as Rick drew it to a stop. In front of them were the makings of camp; people, tents, even a caravan. It was the most signs of humanity that Tessa had seen in a long time.

"Nice place." She commented, turning to Morales. The man gave her an encouraging nod.

"C'mon you two. Come meet everyone."

Tessa watched as Morales crouched, shoving open the back door of the truck, allowing the others to exit. Her heart fluttered softly as she heard muted cries of reunion from outside ― the desperate happiness of families who though they'd never see each other again.

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