✮ Chapter One ✮

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"Wake up we're here" I heard blonde women say in a sweet tone though I could still sense a hint of nervousness in her voice her name was Kate my aunt my mom had failed to tell me when I was younger that I even had an aunt but still, I'm glad she told me because I tend to really enjoy her presence she recently took up a job as a nanny and my mom thought it would be a good idea for me to come and join Aunt Kate so I could get a break from Hawkins I was sad at first but on the drive once we passed the state border I realized maybe this was a good thing maybe this was just what I needed

I look out the window of the car starting in awe of the sight in front of me a mansion surrounded by grass, trees, neatly trimmed bushes, and decor.

As we walk in I see a small bird foundation filled with beheaded dolls it puts me At unease but a comforting thought pops into my head "The girl is only seven I had been doing weird stuff at her age" so maybe it wasn't as odd as it appeared still the uneasy feeling lingered in my head then I got spooked by a voice saying "Flora leaves her toys everywhere.. don't be surprised if you find a little mermaid in your toilet" I hear Auntie Kate chuckle but don't understand what's funny then I hear the voice speak again whilst moving out of the bushes "you must be kate" she appears to be an old lady "yes hi" auntie Kate says as she chuckles again I now realize she was nervous chuckling I move closer in hopes to comfort her the old lady shifts her eyes to me I start to get nervous as she says "you must be William" I nod shyly as she gives me an uncanny valley feeling "come along" she says the old lady appears to be a maid or caretaker me and auntie Kate follow her as she leads us to the mansion.

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