Chapter 17

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Lizzie -: "did she fall for it?" I say to ten and grian

"Yes." Ren said looking at the direction y/n exited in.

"Well now!What do we do?" Grian said looking around--'until he landed eyes on something mushy

"Bdubs is coat." Grian kneeled down to it picking it up and mushing it through his fingers

"Yeah she has him." They both looked at each other as I look around nodding


Y/n-L/n -: I walked along the snowy road boots clacking a bit with the metal on it

You hummed as you walked along across Mumbo's bridge

Touching the wood that was left with red stone and a few missing or chipped wood

You never saw how bad mumbo was with wood,Well red stone is his thing so that would make up for the lack of exponential detail

The end of the bridge was exploded by a creeper or some TNT

"Mumbo!Wait up." You heard someone groan

Probably Tango..

You hid behind some spruce trunk as mumbo was a red name

"What?." Shield and axe in hand mumbo turned to tango

"I've heard y/n had Bdubs!I think you might want to you were..their ex lover." Tango smirked pulling Mumbo's heart like strings when it comes to you and him---

"And that Etho is after them!They might you know get killed or whatever. It would be ashame is someone links..their coordinates:b"

" wouldn't." Mumbo's voice darkened as he raised his axe

"You wouldn't dare!"

"Oh..i would."

It became a tense staring game for the both as you sat behind the trunk fumbled

Before mumbo bursted out laughing genuinely not like a psychopath just slapping his knee and whipping off tears

"That's funny:)"

"Huh..?I thought-"

"Tango..I've come to know y/n doesn't like being saved,They can save themselves." Mumbo said smiling rolling his eyes

You smile warmly at this hugging your knees as you listen to what you exactly said to him

He really took notes?

You know Mumbo jumbo deserves better than you,On the same hand you deserve someone who would fit you perfectly..

Not like jack-

-You sighed walking in the dark

Fucking feelings..Not like that..-i mean feeling?You already have jack

You love him yeah [ yeah gurl ] but..You-it just feels so real like too good for you!

Fuck you would rather die or burn than him eventually leaving you.

Like he's funny,he know's-- boundaries,He always knows what to say to you

' know some people are just too good for people like me..'


You walk through the snow heavy feat,You felt like you were gonna walk on thin ice [ literally ] .

One step can take it all away,Some- thoughts were spiraling out of-- control..Maybe..everyone if too good for me..I should back off.

You didn't know where these thoughts came from but it was wrenchingly true.

The things in this game was that it could make up some false stuff in your brain like manipulation,sUicide,betraying someone...

And so on it can mess with people's health and stability

You scoffed walking faster and faster stomping a bit with furrowed eyes,tears creeping as fast as you walk

To the point you were running through the snow pulling your hood up and running until you cought the door

You rubbed your eyes with your sleeve-putting your weight on the door and shifting to a sit position

"Y/n..what happened" Bdubs said crouching Infront of you "is something wrong..?" He looked like he just woke up

"O-oh nah..I'm just shacken a bit!" You smile at him brightly as your cheek were frozen.. probably the water in your eyes right now

"Shook of what,You seem upset" He says,panicked to calm again

"Just some thoughts..I'm quite okay now" You say relaxing yourself,you didn't want him to become worried about you

" you need anything..?" He asked laying his head on the door next to you

You smile a bit "nah..I think there's some cooked chicken in the should get some" You say closing your eyes and imitating his position


When you woke up you were bundled with pillows and blankets

Bdubs was not next to you but infact was in front of you limbs scattered on the floor sleeping

You laugh as drool came from his mouth to his neck

You got up and covered him with a blanket,He wasn't wearing his seem to be coat of moss

"Bdubs?Wake up" Guessing he hasn't eaten yet or at all lately

"Mh?Wut." A strange British like accent erupted in him as he grumbles

"Wake up,You haven't flipping eaten." You say getting up and walking towards the furnace

"Have—i think I've eaten a while ago."

"No you didn't..the food here hasn't been touched" You saw confused

Taking out the hot chicken soup out of the cramped furnace before placing it away





             "IN BETWEEN."



As you might know I just don't plan this story I just hope onto it and write dumb shit,But this type above of what you read is bs

Their will be less Bdubs more empires and fable something with Qsmp and Usmp if I'm allowed to..And good luck cuz there's cannabilism.


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