Pinned (Evelyn Willow)

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Pin(ned): A (lack of) move in chess where the player is unable to move their piece, because doing so would expose a more valuable piece, and/or leading to a significant disadvantage or loss of the game.


I was annoyed. I hated the whole situation, I loathed the fact that she had to go on a quest with a daughter of Hecate. It could have been any other child of any other god, but no, it had to be Hecate.

Children of Hecate seemed to only have two personalities: annoyingly cheerful and bubbly or antisocial and only wore black clothing. Unique personalities be damned.

All children of Hecate were so pathetically obsessed with potions, magic, spells, yadda, yadda, yadda. They never really seemed to develop hobbies that set them apart, unlike her own children (if she ever cared enough to have annoying brats that only screamed and cried).

Hecate was currently explaining the situation to her daughter. According to Hecate, her daughter was 'enthusiastic, kind, intelligent, blah, blah, blah'. So, essentially, the girl was average, had a brain full of air, and wouldn't be able to fight if her life depended on it.

I got called in, much to my displeasure. I twisted the cool metal of the doorknob, only to find the goddess and her spawn of Satan at a small kitchen table. One would think that Evelyn was worthy of a better accommodation, even as a mortal. A filthy, good-for-nothing mortal. Why an important goddess such as Hecate could stand to live in such a small, normal place was beyond me.

The girl had pink and purple hair, obviously bleached and dyed way too many times. On her hip, there was a messenger bag filled with what looked like glass jars, if one was to believe the bulkiness of the satchel. A polka dotted backpack was carelessly flung on the ground near the door.

"Hi." She said quietly.

Ignoring her, I walked over to the table, chin held high. I was still in a position of power.

"What must I do to regain my rightful power?" I decided to cut straight to the chase. I wasn't one to beat around the bush.

"Complete the Trials of Hercules and bring back the necessary ingredients for the potion. Did you truly believe that Hercules obtained his immortality by saying 'pretty please'?" The girl sounded annoyed. It was a shock to hear someone speak so straightforward and rude towards me. I hated the fact that it just showed that I did not have the same status as before.

"Fay. Be respectful-" her mother warned, lips pursed disapprovingly.


Hecate passed me an ancient parchement. It had a soft, worn surface, obviously examined many times over the years. I unrolled the neatly bound scroll, the crimson ribbon cast to the side without another thought.

The list of ingredients was written by hand in slightly faded ink, the dark purple colour still surprisingly prominent, considering the age.


Twelve ingredients one must seek

Twelve tasks to claim your prize.

If immortality is truly yours to keep

You must be willing to meet your demise.

+ ​​​​​​The indestructible pelt of the Nemean Lion

+ The poisonous blood of the Hydra

+ The antler from one of Artemis's sacred golden hinds

+ The bloody heart of the Erymanthean Boar

+ The excretion from the Augean Stables

+ Three violet feathers from the Stymphlaian birds

+ The eye of the Cretan bull

+ A tooth from a horse of Diomedes 

+ Hippolata's Golden Belt

+ The milk from Geryon's cattle

+ Four seeds from the Apples of Hesperides

+ The claw of Cerberus


"Is it necessary to collect all the ingredients? I'm sure you must have some of them in this..." I wanted so badly to say 'dingy' or 'useless', but I refrained from doing so. "...impressive corner store of yours."

The daughter of Hecate, whatever her name was, seemed rather betrayed by my use of words. "Its not a corner store." She mumbled.

"You will be allowed to select three potions from the magical potions stocks. You will set out in the morning. Is that clear?" Hectare informed her daughter.

Her daughter just nodded unhappily. She looked at me next. "I believe I asked you if that was clear?" I was unprepared for the sudden focus, but I gave a curt nod.

Her girl, apparently named Fay, rose from the chair abruptly, knocking it over. She didn't bother to fix it. She stomped over to the door, fists tightly clenched.

"Carmen Elora Grey, we will talk about this later!" Hecate called out to the pink haired girl.

A sound of blatant disdain came from the other room.

Sighing heavily, she took a glance at me. "You may sleep in the spare bedroom for the night. Any questions?" Her tone of voice was contradictory to her previous statement, and suggested that questions would be strongly frowned upon.

"No, I don't believe so." I may still have had my chin held up high, but I was starting to realize that my status wasn't as important as I had previously thought. It was thoroughly humiliating and demeaning.

Though the bed was of a decent quality, I slept fitfully. It was the worst night of sleep I had had in my entire immortal life.

As I had mentioned before, the girl despised me. I hated her, too. I would have to trust her enough to have her accompany me in the tasks. That much would be impossible. I had made great empires fall under my attacks. I had been a queen once. Now, I was just a pint sized mortal. That alone greatly changed the odds.

A sudden noise sounded from a few rooms away.

"Carmen Elora! You are obligated to go with Athena on her quest! Don't act like I'm the bad guy here! I did not choose this, and neither did she. It is simply how it's done!"

"I. Don't. Want. To. Go!" her daughter screamed back. "Maybe those are the rules, but are you seriously encouraging me to risk my life? Some kind of mom you are! "

"Don't talk to me like that, young lady-!" Hecate warned.

Fay replied angrily, "If I die, then it's all your fault! And you know that!"

"Go to your room. "

"Mom! Listen to m-"

"Now." Hecate had put her foot down.

Even through closed doors, I could tell that 'Carmen Elora' was pissed. I rolled over, attempting to find a more comfortable position, still mulling over the facts in my head. I didn't remember falling asleep, but at some point, it ended up happening.

In all honesty, it was pitiful how much sleep my mortal body needed.

And little did I know, that I wouldn't be getting much sleep in the future. I expected tough times, but what I expected would be a simple daydream compared to the true nightmare that I would soon face. After all, immortality comes with a price. 

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