Chapter 25: The Crucible

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Maya's POV

Ever since I've been brought back as a Guardian, I've never been able to sleep in on a day off. Zero gave us today off (after much persuasion on my part), but my body refused to stay in bed after 6:30 in the morning.

I got up in a somewhat bad mood and put on my armor and cloak. Sure, it's a free day, but it's better to be safe than sorry. I snuck out of our quarters quietly and went out for a jog.

When we're not working, life as a Guardian is pretty dull. All we can do in the Tower is talk with the merchants and train if you want. Then there's a handful of weirdos that just invade your personal bubble and randomly start dancing.

I'd love to throw them off the Tower, but apparently that's illegal.

It's days like this where I really miss our old lives, where Zero and I would gamble and I'd get to watch him beat the crap out of people. That's illegal here too, unfortunately. If the Traveler was alright, I bet it wouldn't be as big of a prick as the Speaker. We were allowed to do these things during the Golden Age. But since the Speaker pretty much forbade fun, I just jog.

I went around the plaza a few times, through the garage, and into the hangar, where I found that Warlock again. He was reading something in the corner of the room, by himself. I was still pissed about that time he tried to diss my parents, but in the mood I was, if I confronted him I'd probably end up committing murder. I turned to leave when he looked up from his book and saw me.

"Spying, are we?" He asked with that stupid smug face of his.

"I was jogging and just saw you here. End of story." I rolled my eyes.

"Oh come on. We both know you just wanted to spend some time with me on our day off." He laughed as he attempted to throw his arm around me.

I ducked under it and unsheathed my knife at him. "I will use this." I said menacingly.

"Sure you will." He crossed his arms and smirked.

I smiled back and sliced at his chest, ripping his robes but not injuring him. "I will."

He hardly flinched, to my disappointment.

"Y'know, if you want to kill me so badly, there's a place where you can do it legally, over and over again." He said, smirking again.

I lowered my knife, interested in this information, but raised it again when he started laughing.

"C'mon, don't tell me you've never heard of the Crucible!"


"Well it's your kind of place." He laughed. "Lots of Guardians participate in the Crucible to kill each other, just for fun! Can you believe it? Anyways," he regained his composure. "I could take you there if you want. And any kind of grudge you've got against me, you can take it out over there. Over, and over, and over." I just realized how close he was to my face.

I took a big step back and crossed my arms. "I'll go if you can do me a favor."

He suddenly beamed at this. "What is it?"


Having at least half a foot on me, I knew he'd be able to get it easily. I waited patiently outside of Zero's room for Lazarus to come back with my rocket launcher. My jerk of a brother always puts my things where he knows I can't reach them, in this case, on top of his wardrobe.

After several minutes, he came out with my prized weapon: Valedictorian 9-44.

...What? This isn't some cliche fan fiction where everyone has a Gjallahorn.

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