4: August 18

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...And we're back!

As mentioned in the last part, I would like to include a reasonable disclaimer just so that it is out there:
I am attempting to write a compelling story with interesting characters and situations. With that said, this naturally entails delving into topics I myself am not especially familiar with. In general, I have made these decisions carefully based on what I think I can do reasonably well, and have done some research where I felt appropriate. However at the end of the day, this story is a work of fiction, and the characters and circumstances within do not reflect real people or circumstances. I'm just doing my best, and I hope everyone will be able to see that and enjoy this story for what it is.

With that out of the way, thank you to everyone who's been checking this out, I appreciate your patience. We're getting into the swing of things now, but as a heads up there will be plenty of exposition coming. It's unavoidable really, just so it's clear.

Without further ado, let's get back into this puppy. As in literally: where's the puppy?

(She's really not a puppy I just wanted to be funny)

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Alec stared at the two creatures, which appeared much more hesitant upon his summoning his Persona. Alec himself felt no fear. He had answers he was seeking. They were in the way.

The one closest to him scoffed. "Well...it's no matter! If you insist on resisting, you will face swift retribution!"

When it had finished speaking, the creature dropped its rifle to the ground, a decision which initially confused Alec. It then leaned back suddenly, its arms hanging and flailing as if it were convulsing. Its sickeningly fluid body seemed to strain, then simply melt away, into a puddle of its substance. The uniform it had worn disappeared into black mist, along with the gun.

The puddle gurgled, then from within, a different form rose rapidly. Initially pure black as the creature had been before, it floated in the air, spreading into a small, humanoid shape. Color began to appear on it, supplying a pale flesh-tone to its shoulders, face, and legs. Hair, short and in a wavy pattern, appeared in a gentle red. Over its upper arms and down to its hands, and roughly the same area on its legs, silky blue tight gloves and leggings had formed. The same sort of covering formed a tight, singular piece of clothing over its feminine chest and abdomen. Its ears jutted out a bit, distinctly pointed, and from its back, a pair of elegant insect-like wings sprouted.

To Alec's utter bewilderment, the intimidating soldier had transformed into what appeared to be a peeved-looking, petite woodland pixie.

The other creature followed suit, dissolving its equipment and becoming a puddle that gave rise to another, essentially identical pixie. Both floated rather daintily in the air.

Thinking about it later, it made absolutely no sense. In the moment, however, Alec was filled with a new passion. If they wanted a fight, they were going to get it. And they certainly didn't look like they were just going to sit around.

Now speaking in a voice almost resembling a valley girl, though still with the unsettling caucophony of tones that it had before, the first creature exclaimed, "Now you're in for it!" 
It swiftly floated towards him, and performed a spinning, open arm swing. 

Without hesitation, as if it were second nature, Alec lifted the staff in his hand up and angled it down across his body in a blocking position, bracing with his free hand. Though he blocked the basic attack with very little harm, he was a bit surprised by the amount of force behind it. These things were built tougher than they looked.

Once it had finished its attack, Alec pushed the staff back and swung his wrist around, allowing it to take an arc in front of him that forced the creature to drift back. In the end of that motion, he pivoted his body back in the opposite direction, thrusting his arm and the staff straight ahead, landing a successful lunge in its midsection that caused it to recoil and let out a yell.

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