Cosplay Part 2, Horrible Histories, FizzyFish Jellies and my current obsessions

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Yippee Austin says hi too go follow him because he is a really talented author and my best friend because he is a really cool dude his account is:


ok so I went to comic-con and it was greatttttt

people recognised my cosplay too :D

Now, the important part. Horrible Histories. I love Horrible Histories. You aren't allowed to change my mind. I have been a fan since I was 7 so I have been a fan for 7 YEARS now. It is my nostalgia. I love it. Not the new seasons. Anything without the original cast I will not watch, I do not care for the newer seasons.

FizzyFish Jellies are good, they're sour, but I like them.

The part that you are all waiting for, my current obsessions:


-Harry Potter

-Alton Towers

-Roller Coasters in general, especially The Smiler. I will never shut up about it, sue me.

-A fictional character who I finally got the Funko Pop for (if ykyk) 

Also really quick I got Bucky as a funko pop recently and he will be getting his very own shelf, so I can display him with the Winter Soldier: Cold Front book, my Bucky themed safety pin earrings (again if yk me in real life you will probably have seen them) and anything else I get that is of him because I love him <3

Yes he is one of my comfort characters don't judge me

Ok I'm going now I need to write the review for the rmt and I'm also on the phone with Austin who is one of my closest friends ever I love him platonically <3

Austin if you are reading this which you probably are, I want you to know that I love you so so much and also we need more nicknames for Socks <3

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