Pain and Corruption

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Money, fame and power. A triangle, the strongest shape, positioning those three words at each corner and in the centre... the Dinero family. This was no ordinary family with dark secrates. no. This was a family who thrived because of their dark secrates. It was without a question that, this family legacy is the cause of so much pain and corruption. Corruption. It's like fuel for them.a match to petrolium, prey to a preditor. it was a never ending cycle of corruption, sucked into the bellowing pit of emptyness. the ownership, quite like everthing else, the Dinero family.

The dinero family are... a little rough on the edges. Extemely rough. They only let family into their business offers, as well as there sexual ones (on the rare occation). They were filled with gluttony for money. Espesially since they run an illegal gambling scene. It was what they loved more than anything in this world. That as well as power and fame.

It's always important to know your family. Especially at a family gathering. It makes it, How do you say, extremly awkward! At the head of the table, we have our "beloved" head of the family Beatrise Dinero. Dont let her lack of words startle you, she'll have you drowning in a ditch of envy within the second. Her signiture toxic, green eyes, like a mutation, passed down to each of dreaded spawn. Her hair flowed and whisped forcing it's way down to cover her petite shoulders as they mesmerised the people around her. Rumours say a single flick of hair would have you down on your knees, gasping for air. Choking with lust, but those where just rumours. I think. She was a poweful woman. It was always money before family, she even made her husband take her name. In a less, traditrional fashion.

By her side sat a tall, loud spoken, man who acts before he thinks, his eyes, illfully wished, yet his heart for his family was so pure. He was the muscle of this family, doing what ever it took (literally) to keep his family safe. He was anything but his wife. He had a kind soul, saw the best in people, but what made him so likeable by beatrice? it was probably the amount of convticted murder charges above his head. unserved time of course. He was proof you can not trust even the nicest of people, making him the perfect husband. or even the perfect murderer. his name? Cohan Dinero

This "perfect" couple raised 3 beautiful children. However everyone else saw them for what they were. Monsters, brats, the spawn of satan himself. All horribly unique in there own way. Charles Cohan Dinero, the eldest aged 29, "daddys boy" if you will. also known as his "daddy's cunt". If anyone looked at him funny or breathed with a whistle in their nose, best beleive he'd have his dad knocking on their door within the hour. He was pathetic. so comforted by the money and power he had gained in the family busniess. Spoilt. Girls falling for him left and right, as flashed them with his toxic green eyes. He was the heart melt of the family. anywhere he went, he probably had slept with 3 lasses during his time there. A man whore if you will. His nick names built up as he aged.

Onto their second eldest. shes...Prickly. Yeah, thats a good word. The biggest brat of the family, the middle child. She had her mothers face but her fathers heart. She never got suspected of anything. harrassing her brothers,nope. Eating the last cookie when she wasn't allowed, dont be silly. Murder. She was so full of herself knowing she could get out of anything she pleased. She was the law. at least she thought she was. after her wedding, she went her seprate ways from her family. She created her own business, instead of the gambling scene she took a diffrent approch. She was a people pleaser, at least she tried. the only person she felt she could please was her demanding husband, Micheal Driftwater. No one really spoke to her after her wedding back 2002 especially after what happend. Everyone swore to keep it a secret, exposing it could cause the entire family dynasty to be thrown down the drain.

And lastly the youngest, the worst out of the bunch. Denali Deniro. Freshly Convicted fellon, to serve 23 years imprisonment for the murder of... ha we aren't going into that right now. she was a phyco. using her money for what she used to call "experiments". however when her parents found out she had been conducting sexual intercourse with her aunt, Christina Deniro, "experiments" were the last thing on their mind. soon after Christina was removed from the family business and exiled from the family all together. where as for denali. she was sentv straight to  a phycatric ward her parent paid for. Being rich can do so much, but trying to stop your daughter to be insest is whole challenge it'self.

Thats the great Deniro Family for you. Dont worry, of course you'll soon get to know all of there scecrates, it just takes some time. Everything takes time to rise above the surface. You just never know when, where or how.

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