| 108 | I Don't Recognise You... |

570 22 2

I AM SO SORRY READERS, THIS WILL BE THE FIRST AND LAST UPDATE FOR TODAY. I know, I know, but I'm seriously tired from the Moomba Festival, and I still had a bunch of homework that I should've done yesterday to do. Not to mention the fact that I needed to make a Tumblr account and start reading 'Homestuck', 'cause a friend recommended doing all those things to me...

Man, I wonder how it's going to be like when I'm like, eighteen. I'll be so busy, I don't know how I'll be able to fit writing in...




WARNING: Fluff. Crack!

DISCLAIMER: I, LeTiffany, do not own 'The Legend of Zelda', its games or its characters. All rights go to Shigeru Miyamoto, and I only own the storyplot and this fanfiction.


I Don't Recognise You...

If there was one thing you loved about introducing the Wii U to the Links, it would probably be also introducing Nintendo Land to them. You loved the game to bits, and you were glad to know that the Links had their fair share of fun whilst they were playing with you.

Of course, there was just one thing that made this even funnier.

"Who is this Link?" Wind raised an eyebrow as he stared at the knit-head-of-a-Link on the TV screen, perplexed, "I don't recognise him."

You snorted as the Wii Plus Remote in your left hand trembled with hidden laughter, "W-well, I don't think y-you're supposed to, Wind."

"No, seriously! I don't recognise him, at all!"

"Yeah," Vio nodded, "Although he looks like a Link, he looks really weird."

"I mean, his tunic looks like someone sadly attempted to stitch it up!"

"I know, right?"

You continued to shake from unreleased laughter as each of the Links gave their opinions of the Mii Link on the TV screen, although you lost it when you heard Blue's comment.

"I can't believe I'm saying this, but he actually looks pretty ugly!"

"BAHAHAHA!" you had keeled over, Wiimote thumping against the ground as you held your stomach with both hands, "OH MY GODDESSES!"

"What?" Engie raised an eyebrow at your laughing form, "It's pretty true! I mean, look at him! He looks ugly as crap!"

"Are we sure this is even a Link?" Mini asked, bewildered, and Sky sighed.

"Guys! Shut up!" he held his hands up, and the Links went silent, "Look, I admit, he does look strange, but so did Mini!"


"N-no, Mini, but back then, when I was the only one in the realm, I didn't even recognise you, when I saw you! I thought you were pretty strange-looking, too!"

"Sky's got a point," Time nodded solemnly, "We shouldn't be judging others just by their looks. If this guy's a Link, he's a Link. Nothing more, nothing less."

You had stopped laughing by now, and the room went deathly silent, with each Link shamefully looking down at the ground.

"You know," you piped up, "He does look pretty fugly."



"Wh-what?" you blinked, confused as to why all the Links simultaneously burst into laughter, "What is it?"

"Y-you," Twilight stuttered as he clutched his stomach, "y-you said f-fugly!"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"I-it sounds funny!"


"F-f-fugly! Oh, Goddesses!"

"Guys, it's just the shortened version of 'freaking ugly'."





"..." a frown marred your brow as you slowly shuffled away from the laughing Links, "Are you guys okay? You're not high again, right?"


"...thought so."


Yeah, there's nothing much about this chapter. I AM SO SORRY, BUT I NEED TO GO REVISING FOR MY FRENCH TEST, WHICH I WILL SURELY FAIL.


NEXT TIME: | 109 | Mysterious [Name] Will Be Mysterious... |

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