Chapter 10 - Pavel

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It was decided that they take a quick break after seeing how emotional Alberta got. Abe took her for a walk in the garden, letting her vent and reminisce with Pavel close at hand. They all ended up sharing some tears but walked back more calm and smiling, looking to the future ahead for Rose among them all once they finished these books. Grabbing himself, Alberta and Abe a sandwich and water each, Pavel joined them in sitting down and trying to get through more before they began to start dinner. Abe was planning to read this chapter but found himself too emotional still and instead handed it to Pavel who took it eagerly and began to read.

THE SKI TRIP COULDN'T HAVE come a moment too soon. It was impossible to get the Dimitri and Tasha thing out of my head, but at least packing and getting ready made sure I didn't devote 100 percent of my brain power to him. More like 95 percent.

Alberta was so sad. Knowing how much Rose must love Dimitri and the fact he didn't tell her is going to plague her trip, especially if she keeps witnessing their interactions.

I had other things to distract me, too. The Academy might- rightfully- be overprotective when it came to us, but sometimes that translated into pretty cool stuff. Example: The Academy had access to a couple of private jets. This meant no Strigoi could attack us at an airport, and it also meant we got to travel in style. Each jet was smaller than a commercial plane, but the seats were cushy and had lots of leg room. They extended far enough back that you could practically lie down to sleep. On long flights, we had little consoles in the seats that gave us TV movie options. Sometimes they'd even break out fancy meals. I was betting this flight, however, would be too short for any movies or substantial food.

"She really likes her food I'm guessing" Adrian commented. Nods answered him along with Alberta commenting that her appetite is legendary.

We left late on the twenty-sixth. When I boarded the jet, I looked around for Lissa, wanting to talk to her. We hadn't really spoken after the Christmas brunch. I wasn't surprised to see her sitting with Christian, and they didn't look like they wanted to be interrupted. I couldn't hear their conversation, but he'd put his arm around her and had that relaxed, flirty expression that only she could bring out. I remained fully convinced that he could never do as good a job as me of taking care of her, but he clearly made her happy.

Christian was thinking about her comments and Adrian told him it sounds like he needs to make friends with Rose or be forever locked in competition. No one could really argue the point. They were always too close to have someone come between them but if Christian convinced Rose he was the best choice for Lissa, that he could and would protect her, he may just find his relationship easier.

I put on a smile and nodded at them as I passed down the aisle toward where Mason was waving at me. As I did, I also walked by Dimitri and Tasha sitting together. I pointedly ignored them.

"You are going to have a very difficult trip Dimitri" Alberta forewarned. Refusing to elaborate, certain it would become clear soon enough. She only wondered if any of the other Academy guardians will pick up on the sudden changes and the reasons why. I imagine I'll have to stop a few sparring sessions if they do.

"Hey," I said sliding into the seat beside Mason.

He smiled at me. "Hey. You ready for the ski challenge?"

"As ready as I'll ever be."

"Don't worry," he said. "I'll go easy on you."

I scoffed and leaned my head back against the seat. "You're so delusional."

"Sane guys are boring." To my surprise, he slid his hand over mine. His skin was warm, and I felt my own skin tingle where he touched me. It startled me. I'd convinced myself Dimitri was the only one I'd ever respond to again. It's time to move on, I thought. Dimitri obviously has. You should have done it a long time ago.

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