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Later that day, Stephanie was sleeping till she smelt what Daryl was fixing causing her to go throw up. Daryl shook his head and knew something else was bothering her. He pulled the bag out that Glenn gave him and walked over to her. "Steph." She looked at him. "Here you go, baby. Take this test."

She pulled it out to see a a pregnancy test. She looked at him shaking her head. "I know I'm not pregnant. It's just that all this stress and I may be getting the stomach virus." She tells him as she kissed him. "Maybe the two of us can talk about children one day unless it happens."

"I think that would be a good idea."

Carol walked up to them. "Have you seen Lori?"

"No." Stephanie says. "Why?"

"We can't find her."

"That bitch actually did it." Daryl says.

"You know where she is?"

"She went after Rick. She asked Daryl and Daryl said for her to do it herself."

Daryl started telling Carol how it is as Stephanie stayed quiet. She knew it was wrong of him, but at the same time, he was speak the truth. They did everything while the others and her own mom did nothing. Carol looked at Stephanie to see if she was going to say anything, but she wasn't. She's already spoken.

"Also, when it comes to Stephanie, she's mine. She's my responsibility since you couldn't take care of her when she was growing up." Daryl says. "I will love her and keep her safe. I will continue to do this till the rest of our days."

They watched Carol walk away causing Stephanie to kiss him. Daryl was shocked by the kiss, but he didn't care. He spoke the truth. She pulled back smiling. "Thank you."

"I love you, Steph and I meant every word of it."

"I love you too."
The next morning after Lori came back, Stephanie was enjoying the morning sun as Daryl was leaving with some of the guys to find Rick, Hershel and Glenn. She saw a car coming causing her to stop. Daryl saw the vehicle causing Stephanie to walk back to them. She looked at Daryl concerned. "Who is that?" She asked referring to the boy in the back seat.


"Why do I have a bad feeling I might know who he is."

Daryl looked at her. "You know him."

"Maybe because if I'm right, this is the same troubled boy I've seen at the hospital. He's DNA was on one of the rape victims, but he claimed he was forced to be there." She says looking at him than to Rick. "You brought back someone who could be very dangerous."
Stephanie didn't want to be apart of the meeting. She knew that boy was dangerous. One memory that came back was that he held a scalpel to one of the doctor's throat, but then he was calm and confused. She knew the boy knew how to act. When she saw Daryl walking out, she grabbed his arms. "Daryl, be careful. He may lie about himself to keep himself alive. That boy could be dangerous."

"I will." He says kissing her. "Stay away from that barn."


Carol walked out and stood beside her eldest. "You know him?"

"Randall was always a troubled kid. I have seen him at the hospital, but one day one of the rape victims came in and we found DNA under her nails. Like she scratched the person." She looked at her mom. "Randall was the match, but he said he was forced to watch and didn't know who the men were. If the group he came from is dangerous, we may need to pack up and leave."

Carol watched Stephanie walk away causing her to look at them. "If she knows this kid, Rick, you may have actually screwed up. Again."

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