Chapter 2

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*Thank you if you are still reading this. sorry about how long seen the update*

Mark and Gary are both sat in the living room, Mark flicking through the TV channels, Gary listening to some new backing vocals for the album.
"Gary, you know we are going on tour? Does that mean there will be lots of meet and greet?" Mark asks without looking away from the TV screen. Gary who still has his headphones in is completely out of it doesn't answer.
"Gary!!" Mark shout throwing a cushion at Gary that makes him look up and nearly drop his laptop.
"Jeepers kreepers, Markie I nearly had a heart attack."
"Yeah will I asked you a question." Mark snapped and glared at Gary.
"Sorry, Marko what is it mate?" Gary is now giving Mark his full attention and has put the laptop at the end of the sofa .
"Well, you know that we are going on tour does that mean we will be doing loads of meet and greets?" Mark looked quite scared while asking the question.
"I surpose so Markie yeah why?" Gary asks sounding slightly confused.
"Well , I I I " Mark stutters
"What troubling Markie," Gary gets up off the sofa and sits of the arm of chair where Mark is sat, put his hand on his shoulder knowing this helps to calm Mark down.
"I always get a bad feeling at meet and greets that something bad is going to happen." Gary smiles rubbing Mark shoulder
"Well you know Mark because I love you we can get two new security guards for this tour if you want?"
"Really?" Mark says looking up at Gary like a child.
"Yeah why not if it makes you feel safer" Gary says grinning at Mark. "I'll get Nicolas on it."

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