women's shelter

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when i woke up i still felt so tired, my vision blurred up from the bright bright lights in the room. i sat up and yawned, rubbing my burning eyes. 

"c'mon, girl! get up!" i looked over to see a tall blond lady yelling at me. 

"this, "girl" has a name." i slurred at her before getting up and looking around. rows of beds up against the walls, with little nightstands, most only had a pair of glasses or a framed photo on it. 

none of the beds i saw had ka'kwet in it, which freaked me out. i didn't know how to go home just yet, but i was sure i could figure that out. 

i found a pair of shoes on the floor near the bed that i woke up in. slowly i walked out of the room with all the beds, joining a group of about 15 other girls. all from the age range of 18-30. 

all i could hear were little voices muttering and whispering to one another, i was trying to pick out what each was saying so i could get a little more detail on where i was. but all the voices were over lapping and i couldn't make out any of it.  

i got so fed up that i just gripped onto some random chicks arm. she let out a little squeak and turned to me, looking at me dead in the eye. 

"look i just wanna ask a few questions-" 

"ask." she demanded, staring str8 at me. 

i looked from side to side, as i always do, -its a habit-  my eyes landing back onto her with a confused but also unpleased expression. "okay dickhe-" 

"i said, ask." she cut me off again with a little eyeroll. 

i stared at her for a moment without saying anything, she started to pull away from me so i grunted and started talking. 

"where am i? why? how?" i tightened my grip on her arm, her eyes once again piercing into mine. i will say, she had some nice ass eyes. 

"youre at a women's shelter, bcuz you signed yourself in, you signed urself in." -she repeated herself sense she was answering both questions.- she said sarcastically smart. "now let me go!" she yelled at me as she pulled her arm away, groaning and walking back to her friend. 

what a bitch 

i thought to myself, well ofc some stranger -at least i think we are strangers- just grabbed her arm and wouldnt let her go.. but who cares. 

everyone walked so slow down the corridors that by the time we got to the dinning hall, i was pissed off and didn't wanna eat. i sat at a table and looked around, the dinning hall was much smaller than the one at hogwarts.. and somehow even more dusty. 

do they not have a cleaning person? or magic? better yet, does this world have magic? they have to, bcuz how else do they have light? that's impossible to have without magic! 

instead of the food appearing in front of us, or house elves bringing it to us, some lady bought it in a bowl. 

she dropped some oatmeal and eggs into my bowl, but merlin knows id never eat gray oatmeal. i just waited until breakfast was done and stood up, going to the lady who woke us up earlier that morning. 

"um, hi-" i was about to carry on with a question until she cut me off with a low toned "hi." 

"um, hi, again. so when can i leave here?" 

"you leave everyday at 11, come back at night; if you dont come back, we dont look for you. now goodbye."  

well i guess that answered my question? i ran off to that room with the beds and grabbed the phone and wallet that had been sitting on my nightstand. a few other girls came back and grabbed a thing or two. 

i left the room before any of them, i left the whole shelter all together. i still didn't know why i apparently signed myself into there but i wasnt gone for long before an alarm went off,

"work at 10" 

was all it said. but either way, i had a job? heavens, i was still in school yesterday!  

i wasnt quiet sure where to go to get to work so i tried to look through photos and contacts. 

but man all that was in my photos were me and some chick, she looked nothing like me so i assumed we were just best friends, too bad it wasnt ka'kwet, i already miss her. 

after a moment was scanning through contacts i found a photo i sent to that same girl, who's name is "Elli", the photo was of the address to the job that we work at together. so i put that into the phone gps and walked to work. 

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