13th birthday speedrun

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No one pov
It was Izukus birthday....he was hoping nothing would go wrong. But it did. Everything went wrong. Well... almost everything went wrong.

Izuku got 2 toys from both his parents

He had his favourite cakes

•Matcha Green Tea Raspberry cake

•Matcha cake

His parents accidentally made him 2, but he didn't mind.

Now, onto the sad stuff (speedround)

•Beaten up by Bakuhoe and his followers.

•Got pushed and shoved between people and the lockers.

•Got touched in places.

•Got in trouble.

•Sent to the principal.

•Got touched by the principal.

•Got shouted at by teachers.

•More beaten up.

•Getting spider lillies on desk and in locker.

•Walking home and sees a bunch of police cars, ambulances, and fire- wait what!?

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