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Day after day. Every night Classius slept with Flavia but made love to Pulchri. Flavia no longer heard any kind words from her husband. All Classius' compliments were received by a cheap slave, a slave Flavia had brought home herself.

If Flavia had not feared the wrath of her husband, Classius, she would have burnt Pulchri's beautiful face with burning cauldron and bloodied her smooth back with the lash of a whip. But now Flavia lacked her father's protection and Classius' love. The only reason her husband did not divorce her was that it would look bad in high society. As long as Classius was at home, nothing bad could happen to Pulchri. In fact, Classius wouldn't even let her leave his side. This slave, whom Flavia had brought home to serve her, was now at her husband's disposal.

Flavia was patient for a long time. But one day, when she returned home from the bazaar, the scene she witnessed made her lose her patience. Classius and Pulchri were sprawled on a divan, and on Pulchri's ankles shone a brand new, exquisite piece of golden anklet. Worse, two of Flavia's slaves were massaging Pulchri's feet as Classius and Pulchri kissed lustily. "Look at that," Flavia said, trying unsuccessfully to hide her anger, "soon slaves will be debating in the Senate."

But Classius ignored her. Pulchri's response was to cling to Classius' crotch in front of Flavia's eyes, as if in defiance. Classius moaned with pleasure. This enraged Flavia even more. "Classius!"

This time Classius did not ignore Flavia. He threw his head back in exasperation and groaned. He patted Pulchri's hip and said softly, "Go to your room and rest," then turned to his wife: "What is it?"

That day Classius and Flavia had a huge quarrel. Vases were broken, plates and bowls hit the walls. Finally, Classius silenced Flavia with a hard slap. Flavia, who had never been slapped before, was stunned. Classius hissed: "Instead of hysterics, learn to give as much pleasure as a slave!"

Neither Flavia nor Classius realised it, but Pulchri was secretly watching these moments from behind the door with great pleasure. Classius's last word had both delighted and slightly disappointed her. "My name is Pulchri," she murmured to herself, "not 'a slave'."

The marble pillars of the House of Classius were now as silent as the darkness of night, and Flavia and Pulchri realised it was time to take up their battle axes.

* * *

For weeks after this incident, there was a cold war between Flavia and Pulchri. Whenever Flavia caught Pulchri away from Classius, she made him do the most humiliating tasks. What she didn't know, however, was that each time Pulchri would later cry on Classius' shoulder and complain about Flavia.

One day Flavia decided to have some fun with Pulchri. She handed her a bowl of liquor. "Drink it, it will make you beautiful," she said. Pulchri was surprised by Flavia's good intentions, but she did not suspect anything and took a few sips. Immediately afterwards, however, her face turned sour. Pulchri looked horrified at the liquid in the bowl, while Flavia laughed. "How is it?" Flavia asked her slave, "Do you like my urine? Tell me it's as good as wine."

This was the last straw for Pulchri. She burst into tears with great anger. "Tell me!" insisted Flavia. Fortunately for Pulchri, Classius had heard the noise from his room. When he saw Pulchri's tears, he became furious. "What's going on here?!" he shouted, glaring at Flavia and snatching the bowl from Pulchri's hand and throwing it to the floor. "Nothing is going on," Flavia said, frightened but too proud to back down, "I am having fun with my slave."

"Go to my study, Pulchri."

"No, she stays here."

Flavia was not willing to give in this time, but Pulchri obeyed Classius, the head of the house, and hurried to the study. Now Flavia and Classius were alone. Classius took a deep breath and said in a voice as solid as concrete, "You do not make me happy, and you even mess with my happiness. You will regret it, woman," he said. Then, without letting Flavia say anything, he followed Pulchri into the study.

Nobody's Position in Rome is Safe: A Slave's Rise to PowerWhere stories live. Discover now