The Death cannot die

400 34 20

Third Person p.o.v.

That was the only sound was heard when they rode down the elevator.It came from none other then Hunk himself.Having a distance away,holding his forearm and stares at the floor still trying to cope the death of Marian.Meanwhile Rapi and Anis could only give him a sad look along with Shifty via a holographic screen.Their brains tried their hardest to come up with something to numb the pain but nothing came.Rapi came up with something but she doubted it will go well but she gave it a shot

Rapi:My condolences,commander.A part of me-no I wanted to save her as well.But...our past experiences,corrupted nikkes are not the same after they have been corrupted.And even if there is a way for them to overcome it the chances of that happening are slim and nil.Maybe if you saws us as assets rather- 


A loud bang was heard as Y/n punched the glass wall with all of fury scaring everyone in the elevator(It was also a miracle the glass of the elevator didn't break).He coldly turns to Rapi and says with restrained anger

Y/n:Not another word,Rapi...

He didn't want to go back to that life.He REFUSED to go back to that life.Not after he experienced the long forgotten sensation of his emotions.He may had a bad start but he refused to give up.Staring back to the floor Anis gave Rapi a look that said "you're not helping".Mastering whatever courage she had she went behind him and embraced him in a soft warming hug.It starteled him yet he did nothing to against it

Y/n:What are you doing?

Anis:S-Sorry.Just helping you feel better

They stayed silent for a few moments until he plants a hand at Anis's wrist and says gretfull

Y/n:I-It's alright...thanks

She nods in return and she realesed him.He then turns his attention to Shifty and asks

Y/n:Shifty,any explenation of Marian's case?

Anis:I'm with the commander there.How did it happened? How did Marian became corrupted in the first place?

Shifty(coms):The corruption code must've coaxed her into moving towards the blacksmith,that way anyone accompanying her would also become it's food

Anis:But why was she acting normal before? It's like she was never corrupted to begin with

Rapi:It's more likely due to the presence of the commander.Nikkes are hard-wired to always protect our commanding officers and follow  their orders above all-else.The moment Marian found commander Hunk in the wreckage the priorities must've changed

Y/n:It does make sense.She was a ticking bomb.The timer was on hold until we got closer to the blacksmith and....

Silence fell on his throat once more.Failing to find the strength to finish the sentence.Anis however said

Anis:Commander.If you can't finish that sentence knowing it will hurt you...then don't


Rapi:If Marian was the one who blew up the transport ship she must've been corrupted at that point,but what puzzles me more is the ship originated from the ark

Shifty started to sweat because she knew what Rapi was suggesting

Shifty(coms):You're not suggesting the Aegis Barriers were broken,were they?!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30 ⏰

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