10| Betrayed

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The girl of my dreams stands on a large rock, her hair blowing in the breeze as she looks around her with a soft smile on her full lips

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The girl of my dreams stands on a large rock, her hair blowing in the breeze as she looks around her with a soft smile on her full lips.

I can't blame her for wanting to admire her hard work. It's taken several nights to finish her new base, a cave carved out of the cliff face on the beach her dreams always seem to bring her to. The ocean spills in under a rocky archway big enough for the Halazia to sail in. That's where it is now, docked inside the covered cove under the moonlight that spills through the open ceiling. But even with all its natural and dream-like beauty, there are still some modern conveniences like a sitting area, some tables, and plenty more room for her to add whatever her heart desires.

"You did a good job," I say, stepping onto her rock and pressing my chest to her back as I wrap my arms around her waist.

She leans into me with ease. "It's all thanks to you guys. I wouldn't have been able to do this so fast on my own."

I follow her line of sight to where my brothers are currently hanging out on mismatched bean-bag chairs, talking with Mia.

"You didn't need us. You had it in you all along."

A soft laugh leaves her lips. "Sure...maybe...but it still would've taken me a lot longer."

"Can you feel it yet?" I ask, placing my hand on her chest. "Can you feel the power this place will give you?"

Closing her eyes, she covers my hand with hers and takes a deep breath. "I think so."

"Try and conjure something...make it big."

She draws in several more deep, calming breaths before a large set of stairs begin to climb along the side of the cave wall. It spirals as it grows and when the top stabs into the rock, a door appears followed by the spread of several floor-to-ceiling windows, carving a room into the rocky surface.

A smile breaks across her face and as she opens her eyes, a light flicks on inside the newly created space. "There we go."

"What's in there?" I whisper in her ear.

Her smile grows. "A bedroom."

The groan that resonates in my chest is uncontrollable.

I still haven't been able to get my hands on her for long in the real world. Not with her dad having spies throughout the school. But my disappointment there is wiped away as my crew and her friend shout and clap from their seats. I'm not sure if it's to cheer for my Star's quickly-growing skills or if they heard us. Either way, I can't help feeling thankful that we're all here together.

Once we smoothed things over, it didn't take but a few minutes for my brothers to accept her with open arms. More than once they've commented on how nice it is to have a girl in the group, which quickly turned to two as Mia was brought in. Once we finally understood Mia's situation, we made sure to fix things and apologize. Seong was the first to rub it in that he had always argued we should've given her a chance before we acted out against her.

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