Chapter 1

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Kenzou's POV

"Kenzou-san don't you think you can join the volleyball team now?"

His voice ringed in my mind as I abruptly declined and continued to tuned on my phone. He was persistent of inviting me in for a team just because I'm a newbie in this well known school. And also for the fact that he knew I was the fallen champion in the nationals in the world.

Sure I was called a top ranked in every sport but that doesn't mean I'm better then the new generation in this new era.

It was quite displeasing knowing how far I got and still lose no matter how much effort I put it in through. I just can't seem to beat someone higher then my talents, just like what they all say hard work beats talent and yet I doubt everything that comes in my way.

But why wouldn't he stop bothering me over damn shit?

He stopped walking then clenched his fist to a ball then answered.

"I'll come back tomorrow then. Y'know I won't stop until I finally convince you y'know"

That frustrated me every single time he meddle in with my life, who does he think he is my brother? Heck we aren't even close enough to treat me like a friend, I didn't even respond to his request. So why now?

I gritted my teeth in frustration and instantly blew out the contents of my water bottle splashing the water all over the table.

Again ang again why won't he stopped bothering me?! I hate this! I hate being reminded about my talents, my mistakes and failures just seem to washed over me like a wave.

Masahiro's POV

"Nee Masahiro-san did he accept it?"

"Nah he didn't another decline once again"

"What??!! Then how can we even beat our next opponents if we don't have the world wide most well known sport player on our team?"

"Believe me it's difficult to convince a fallen Champion without knowing they're story. And it's more tough if he just join in a group filled with less players and less experience not knowing he might've been offended"

"Why would he? He join in a club too you know? And that club have much less members then ours"

"That not my point Shinzu, the fact that he lost his title after owning a lot of awards he will always be felt weak"

"How can that be master?"

As I stopped midway in our tracks I gave him a simply glare telling him to shut up and he really did, not to mention he said quite enough of insults to Kenzou Keitaro.

Shinzu Tsukami I know you've been a great player ever since you join in, and your abilities are quite amazingly powerful not to mention your speed and agility are way up the charts but why would you used Kenzou? How can you say that he is better in our team? He is much more powerful then you! And yet you seem to get tangled by his talents and decided to used him to win the first round.

"Next time you speak Shinzu don't used or insult a player by their status"

I didn't hesitate but to scare him off to teach him a lesson, all because he is being much of a show off.

"Our next team was the karasuno, kageyama and shoyo combined we have less then enough of will power against them. Even if you looked at Shoyo's height don't measure it up against his tactics of winning especially by the help of the former king of the court Tabio Kageyama"

"Shinzu in the other hand was an amazing player and with the best experience but he lacks teamwork with his teammates."

"Archery, beyblading, volleyball, badminton, baseball, basketball, tennis, and all sorts of sports Kenzou even went up against all the powerful players and won all matches and tournaments except for one... It was the final match between a girl who despises him alot"

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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