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For Chekhovs-Gun2001

Name: Manny González
Age: 15yrs old
Gender: demigirl(she/they pronouns)
Sexuality: Questioning
Height: 5'3
Weight: 152lbs
Face claim:

Personality: very outgoing and friendly, likes to have fun and make friends Strengths: their attitude, their personalityWeaknesses: their kindness Flaws: she has a small gap between her front teeth (thinks it's cute)Fears/phobia: fear of letting p...

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Personality: very outgoing and friendly, likes to have fun and make friends
Strengths: their attitude, their personality
Weaknesses: their kindness
Flaws: she has a small gap between her front teeth (thinks it's cute)
Fears/phobia: fear of letting people down
Other: has DID(dissociative identity disorder), has a pet rabbit named hamster

A list of their alters!

Name: Angel
Age: between 8-10yrs old
Pronouns: they/them
Takes over when Manny is scared or upset they like plants and animals and their favorite animal is rabbits. They have a wild imagination and likes to have fun whenever they can

Name: Rage
Age: 17yrs old
Pronouns: He/him
He takes over when the host is Angry or irritated, he likes rock music and baking. He's very monotone and likes to not be bothered half the time

Name: Amelia
Age: 20yrs old
Pronouns: she/it
She takes over when the host is afraid, she's more on the serious side and likes things in a organized manner and put away neatly

Name: Chester
Age: 15yrs old
Pronouns: it/it's
When it takes over is unknown, but it's more on the crazed and wild side and it likes to cause mayhem whenever it can. It likes candy and sugary things

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