the 20th

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Samy was a seasoned adventurer, a skilled fighter and a proud member of her guild. She had completed quest after quest, facing countless dangers and overcoming unimaginable challenges. So when her guild gave her the task of clearing a fff class dungeon, she didn't think twice before accepting it. She thought it would be an easy quest, just another dungeon to conquer, like so many before. But she couldn't be more wrong.

As she entered the dungeon, Samy felt a strange sensation, a mix of excitement and fear. The narrow corridors were dimly lit, and the air was filled with the smell of damp and decay. She walked cautiously, her sword and shield at the ready, listening attentively to every sound around her. But the first few floors were empty, devoid of any monsters or traps. It was as if the dungeon was waiting for her, luring her deeper into its abyss.

Samy felt confident, even a little bored. She had expected more resistance, more danger. But she didn't let her guard down, knowing that in the dungeons, anything could happen.

As she descended floor after floor, the atmosphere changed. The walls were covered with strange symbols, the air became heavier, and Samy felt a strange heat rising inside her. She tried to shake it off, telling herself it was just her imagination, but deep down, she knew something was off.

Finally, she reached floor 20, the supposed location of the boss room. She pushed the door open and stepped inside, only to find an empty room. She looked around, puzzled, wondering if she had missed something. But before she could react, a hole opened underneath her, trapping her waist in its slimy grip.

Samy tried to break free, but it was no use. The hole tightened around her, its walls pulsating with a strange rhythm. And then, out of nowhere, tentacles emerged, their wet, slimy skin rubbing against her legs, spreading them apart.

Samy panicked, but before she could scream, more tentacles appeared, ripping her clothes apart. She was naked, exposed, and helpless. And then, the tentacles started to rub her ass hole and pussy, sending waves of pleasure through her body.

Samy moaned, unable to resist the pleasure, the ecstasy that the tentacles were giving her. She felt a small poke at her clit, and suddenly, everything changed. A hot sensation spread through her, and she realized that her body was changing. Her cock, her balls, were growing, becoming something new, something that she had never experienced before.

The tentacles stroked and rubbed her new appendage, driving her crazy with lust. The pleasure was overwhelming, and Samy could feel herself getting closer and closer to the edge. She came, hard, the most intense orgasm of her life, as her cock was milked of its new cum.

But the tentacles weren't satisfied. They penetrated her ass and pussy, filling her up with eggs and sperm, creating new life inside her. Samy felt a mix of pain and pleasure, as the tentacles probed deeper, inserting more and more eggs inside her.

And then, she passed out, still cumming, her mind overwhelmed by the sensations that the dungeon of pleasure had given her. When she woke up, she was alone, naked, and with a new, strange sensation inside her. She knew that she had changed, that she was no longer the same person she had been before. But she didn't regret it. In fact, she wanted more. She wanted to explore the depths of the dungeon, to see what other pleasures it had to offer. And so, she smiled, got up, and started walking, ready for a new adventure

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 30, 2023 ⏰

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