☂️ A Note from the Author ☂️

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I started writing this story sometime in 2019, in my senior year of high school. Not to delve into the sappy sad stuff, but when I came up with Mitchell's story, I was in a pretty bad place. I was recovering from a fallout with my best friend and first love, struggles with falling behind in school and growing tensions with my mother... I was very lonely for that year, but by venting my emotions through this book, I was able to handle things a lot better. I've met many friends because of this, and I like to think that this story was one of the main things that really got me back on my feet again.

Welcome to the new JAR rewrite! We've been waiting a long time for this, and honestly I'm so happy that I'm finally able to complete this story in the way I truly wanted. I feel like I've put so much into effort into this story, so much heart and soul that sometimes I've had to sit back and really process how much this story has changed me. It's genuinely exciting to return to writing after years of absence, and I hope you all are excited as well!

You guys have always been supportive on this endeavor, so I want to devote this rewrite to you all. While most of the main points have been retained from the original story, I wanted to refine and clean up a lot of the rather... rough edges JAR had. There's more sweet moments, and much more development of the characters — everything has been reimagined to create a more vivid and enjoyable experience, because you deserve the best.

Of course, I have to thank my buddy Olivolk for really pushing me to finishing this rewrite for the sake of having a fun summer project. I've been wanting to rewrite this story for some time now, but he was the one that actually got me off my ass and put me to work on improving the story I already had. Much of this is thanks to him, it's been fun hearing him jab at me while formatting the physical print for JAR. Thanks dude!

And thanks to my amazing partner Clark, who's always been my little editor since the beginning. Thanks for sticking with me through everything, I'm glad that we got to go on that ferris wheel together. 💜

That's pretty much it, I think — so with that, enjoy the story.

— Sahara

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