4/30/23 Over the Hills

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I'm in the middle of the road at first, under a mangled tree in the presence of autumn. Cars pass by me seeming to pay no mind as I struggle against the sharp braches of the low tree, hair and hood caught in it's messy tangle of limbs that seem to reach out to me.

As I started to slow down my attempt to free myself from the entanglement and frustration, I try to run out, a car rushing past me. It was too close for comfort but I still tried, the originally dense line of cars thinned out into the distance. I look as the last car goes over to it's drive, a setting sun seeming to engulf it like nothing. I find myself free of the braces and I look over myself and around. Now the streets ran cold with no sign of anyone. Something catches my eye from across the road, a clear trail of water going nowhere. Curiosity takes a hold of me as I walk carefully to inspect this. I realized that the flow of water was coming from over the hill just tall enough to go over my head, I found it odd. I feel myself become weightless, like nothing at all as my hands travel to the ledge, hoisting myself up to a tumble.

When I come back to my senses the world is different and new. Completely extraordinary and I feel I was in heaven.! Transparent blue deer prancing what I now see is a field of flowers around me. Fairys hurrying every which way. I climb a tree from the adrenaline, hoping to see everything! The flowers, the fairies- only to realize I was climbing up the leg of a slow treelike giant, it lifting me up until I lose my grip. The last thing I see is light and a beautiful pale face, dawning a red coat with weightless curls. She's smiling and her eyes are warm.. This is when it all fades away.

I am up now wondering if I'll see her again, feel that tender emotion that leaves me in tears. I never thought I'd dream like that again.

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