Like really, what chapter is this?

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Ciel let the world fall away as he saluted his opponent; a smug grin spreading behind the wired mesh, knowing that one way or another he was going to win today.

Hot water splattered loudly against the tile floor, the liquid now mixed with shampoo as it swirled down the drain. A low groan was heard as Ciel rubbed his neck, hoping the massaging action would help soothe the fiery ache between his shoulder blades. One palm lay flat against the wall, supporting his frame as he let the steaming water pour over his body.

Ciel normally wouldn't have showered in the men's locker room, preferring instead to go home and clean up in the privacy of his own bathroom. However, he made an exception this time after five particularly intense fencing matches with Lizzie left him soaking wet with perspiration. Now, as he stood alone under the faucet head in the public space, Ciel smiled to himself as he thought about the final lunge in which he had beaten his opponent.

He sighed happily as the warm water seemed to soothe his sore muscles, the throbbing in his upper back slowly fading away. It worried him that the spasms were becoming more frequent and lasting for longer periods of time; however, Ciel had made up his mind long ago to just deal with it. His Aunt Angelina would most definitely stay true to their agreement and pull him out of fencing class if she knew he was still suffering from the affliction. He refused to let that happen; he would not let her take away the one thing that gave him so much joy and let him feel more connected to his deceased parents than anything else.

Running his free hand through the wet slate locks, he closed his eyes and sighed in frustration. The topic of his health was an annoying one and not helping in the least at reducing the tension in his back. Shaking the unpleasantness from his mind, Ciel thought instead about the conversation from earlier with Alois in the library. He muttered a few choice words at what his friend had said in regards to the graduate student; yet, he was finding it hard to refute the reasoning behind them.

Alois was right; being gay did not constitute a moral sin in the eyes of his family. Ciel's parents and aunt had always been more of the 'love your neighbor as yourself' Catholics and as such, had passed these values onto him. Even the university's church, despite its self-righteous sermons and rituals, was open and accepting of those in the homosexual community. So, it wasn't the idea of being gay that was eating away at Ciel, but the fact that a total stranger had captured his attention so easily. In all his 20 years, no one had managed to turn his stomach into a fluttery mess, much less make him blush like a love struck schoolgirl. What was it about this man that elicited such reactions from the normally calm and controlled student?

"He's not that good looking." Ciel mused aloud, the firm statement echoing off the walls of the empty space. "Must have been the lights in the library; made him look all handsome and stuff." He argued weakly; mind replaying images in his head in spite of himself.

Garnet eyes shone luminously in his memory, the way they lit up as Sebastian laughed; the fluid sound of the velvety voice and how it caressed every word, especially when he said his name; it was like honey. Broad shoulders with firm arms crossed over what had to be a defined chest, leading down to a slim torso and jeans that hung low on what must have been his hip bones. Then there were those hands, strong with long fingers that seemed to move elegantly as they picked up that book and turned it over. Ciel could only imagine what it would feel like to have them wrapped around his . . .

"What?" He gasped, eyes flying wide open at the idea. The image of Sebastian touching him intimately still fresh in his mind as he felt his length thicken, twitching with interest. Ciel watched the pink cock harden and grow with arousal, the urge to touch it overwhelming. Glancing around quickly to make sure he was absolutely alone, he reached down, hissing as his wet palm made contact with the heated flesh.

"Ahhhh, yes." Ciel moaned, eyes screwing shut as he let his head fall forward. Pumping in slow rhythmic strokes, he fantasized that was Sebastian stroking him and another moan slipped past his lips. "Mmnnnahh, faster, Sebastian." He begged, swiping his thumb over the leaking slit and sending shivers down his spine.

Ciel's mind was lost to pleasure, desire coiling low in his belly as he experienced what it felt like to be taken prisoner by lust for the first time in his life. Never had he been so wanton, never had the sensations of need been so strong in him; pushing his body forward to that blissful edge. He wanted nothing more than to fantasize about the graduate touching him at this very moment.

"Ahhh, ahhhh." He panted, the sound of wet skin slapping against itself mixing with the patter of water. Ciel leaned his full weight on his supporting arm, knees shaking as he began to thrust into his hand. He was almost there and if he stopped right now, he was sure he would die. "Almost, alm-ahhh. " Flinging his head back he bit hard into his lower lip, hoping the pain would stifle his moans.

"God, yes!" Ciel whined as he came hard, the white sticky substance dripping to the ground where it was washed clean down the drain. Weak knees gave way and at the last second, he managed to keep from falling. Slowly, Ciel turned off the water and stepped out of the shower, wrapping a fluffy towel around his waist in the process.

Bare feet padded across the locker room and he huffed as he plopped down on a bench; burying his face in his hands and rubbing his eyes. Ciel had no clue what had possessed him to do THAT just now and it a public place, no less. It was like he had no control over his own body, the lure of physical pleasure too strong to resist. This wasn't like him at all and, yet, he couldn't deny that a part of him had thoroughly enjoyed giving into the lascivious temptation. It was inappropriate and wrong to take part in such an activity in a men's locker room and at the same time, it had been the best orgasm he had ever experienced.

Sighing, Ciel stood up and dried off before redressing himself. He would think about this more tomorrow, after a good night's sleep, things would be easier to sort through. Grabbing his cell, Ciel texted Bard to come meet him outside the entrance of the school and began the long walk in that direction.

Yes, everything would be much better after a long peaceful sleep. The world would be brighter and complicated situations simpler when approached with a well-rested mind; he thoroughly believed that. Unfortunately he had no idea that this was something he would not be having for a long time to come.

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