Cedric Diggory #4

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word count ~ 555 words

Cedric and his friends all decided to play truth or dare since they were all bored one night. It was all fun and games; who do you like, run a few laps around the common room, until one of them dared Cedric to make his best friend fall in love with him. His friends all thought it would be hilarious, not fully knowing who his bestfriend was and that they weren't infact in that room with him. Cedric wasn't going to do it until he figured out that this was his shot at a chance with you. Just so long as you never found out about how it really started.
Cedric asked you to come over to his dorm one night, not long after the night of truth or dare game, to have a movie night. Something that happened fairly regularly between the two of you. When you got there Cedric was just coming out of the bathroom.
'Hey Ced.' "Hi." He pulled you into his side and you smiled up at him but he didn't return it.
You moved past him to sit on the bed as he went to put on the movie. After a little while of silence, something that was also rare.
'Ced are you okay?' "Hmm? Yeah-yeah I'm fine." "No you're not but okay." He wasn't so close to telling you and he thought he was about to.
"Would you by any chance want to go out with me?" You were shocked, he actually liked you back.
'Yeah, yeah. I'd love to actually.' He smiled a massive smile at you. You laid down on his chest before whispering goodnight to him.
How quickly that stupid dare was forgotten.
Months went by and it seemed as though everyone forgot. That was until one morning Cedric's owl came into the room with an unenvolped letter, it was from one of his friends.
'It's been a while, how's that dare going? Well based on all the pda i'm assuming you got them to fall in love with you but still figured i should check.'
Cedric came out of them bathroom and saw you with a letter.
"Whats that?" 'Dare?' His head shot directly towards you. This was everything he didn't want to happen.
"Y/n I swear I can explain-" 'How are you going to logically explain that the last three months were just a dare?' "No-no, technically yes, but no. There's so much more to it, i promise you weren't just some dare." 'I-I have to go. I'll see you later Ced.' This terrified him. He didn't fully know how you felt from the way you used your words and actions. You were leaving, though you called him Ced not Cedric.
"Please, please don't leave me. Not over this." 'I'm not, I just need time to think.'
Just as you were about to walk through the door he stopped you, grabbing your wrist. You stared at the floor willing yourself not to cry.
"Y/n/n..." 'Yeah?' "I'm so sorry." 'I know. I'll see you later Cedric okay?' "Okay."
He knew the second he heard the way you talked to him this wasn't good. He had hope earlier, but now he knew just how much he had screwed up souly based on the fact that you called him Cedric.

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